Chapter forty:

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I'm awoken by the sound of footsteps moving around The Wreck, I quickly sit up and startle JJ awake as well. "Shit, my bad guys." Pope says, holding his hands out to us. "Jesus Pope." I groan, running my fingers through my hair. "Would've killed you man." JJ tells him, putting his hat down on the table next to us. Kiara sits up and looks over at us, "Everything alright?" Kiara ask and Pope coldly rolls his eyes at her. "Listen we can't sit around much longer and hope for John B to show up. JJ we need your dads boat, you need to go get the keys and I'll go get gas for the boat." Pope tells us, grabbing the keys to JJ bike that was parked outside. Pope was only talking to us, his back was turned to Kiara the whole time, he swings open the back door and lets it slam shut behind him. "This fucker...." Kiara mumbles, going after him. I jump when the door slams shut again, "Pope is a dead man walking." JJ tells me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I chuckle and glance out the window at Kiara and Pope, "Look, I'm sorry I hurt your feeling and all but that really wasn't the time to tell me." She shouts, loud enough for us to hear. "We shouldn't listen." I say, "We should listen in." JJ says at the exact same time as me. I giggle with him and push the blanket off the two of us, "Okay bud, let's go. We got a boat to get, and we'll need my brothers truck to haul it." I tell him, climbing out of his lap. JJ slowly grabs my hand and gets to his feet. I can already tell how reluctant he was to get up, any mention of having to interact with his father puts him over the edge. He squeezes my hand while we walk outside, Kiara and Pope cut their conversation off when they see us approaching. "We're gonna get the boat." JJ says, putting his hat back on his head. "Everyone meet at the chateau at 3 then." Pope says and quickly takes off. I look at Kiara and she looks dumbfounded at Pope, "I'm fine, just go." She mumbles, walking back into The Wreck.

JJ and I quietly drive back to my house, JJ sat in the passenger seat, staring out the window with his hand still holding mine. "JJ we don't have to get that boat, I don't want to send you back inside there. They will understand you not going either." I tell him, glancing over at him every so often while I drive. JJ says quiet and pulls the hat off his head and lays it down in his lap. "I have to do this for John B, let's just get the truck, keys, and we can go." He tells me, still not being able to look at me.

"Home sweet home." JJ sighs, leaning back into my seat as he stares at his house. "Want me to come in there with you?" I ask softly, turning in my seat to face him. He shakes his head and let's go of my hand, "No this will only take a second." He tells me, hoping out my car. I sigh and watch him slowly walk to the front door,  I hop out my car and run up to him, "JayJ." I call out to him, he turns to look at me and I jump into his arms. He doesn't hesitate to wrap his arms around my waist tightly and my arms wrapped around his neck, the two of us not daring to let the other one go. I bit the inside of my cheek to force myself to keep it together, I knew I had to keep it together for JJ right now. I pull back first and put my hands on his cheeks, laying my forehead against his. "Y/N... go wait in the truck, I'll be right there. I promise." He tells me, pecking my lips once before pulling himself back from me. I slowly walk away and go grab one of my brothers keys.

JJ hurry's out the house, keeping his head low. He hops into the passenger seat, throwing his bag on the floorboard. He gives me a weak smile and holds the keys up in his hand, "Let's get John B out of here." He tells me, looking away and wiping both his eyes. We drive off, heading out to the storage shed for the boat.

JJ pushes the shed doors opens, to my surprise I see an older boat infront of me. I'm a bit taken back Luke could own something like this. "There she be." JJ smiles, walking up to the boat and running his hand along it. JJ pulls a blanket off it, stepping back to admire the boat, "The Phantom babe." He tells me, turning to look at me. "Still the fastest thing Kildare has ever seen." He tells me, throwing me the keys to the boat. "Forty years old and she can fly." He tells me, tossing the tarp to the ground. I nod my head slowly and look over the boat, JJ face falls when he sees my not satisfied expression. "Princess she's the reason your able to smoke weed on this island, alright? Don't disrespect her now." He tells me, pointing his finger at me. "Oh yeah? What are you gonna do if I keep disrespecting this old junker?" I tease him, stepping over the tow hitch and walking around the boat, I didn't even realize JJ hasn't responded to me. I feel two arms wrap around my waist and fingers digging into my sides, "This is what I'm gonna do." JJ laughs, tickling me while I try to fight out of his arms. "JJ stop." I squeal, laughing loudly. After another minute of torture, JJ sets me down, my back against the boat. JJ had his arms on either side of my head to keep me pinned there. "Now apologize to her missy." He tells me, narrowing his eyes at me. I slowly shake my head with a grin on my face, "I will not." I tell him, wrapping my arms around his neck, "You gotta atleast apologize to me for talking shit about my girl." He tells me, still keeping his hands on the boat but his eyes were on my lips. "Oh your girls huh? That hurts." I tell him, sticking my bottom lip out and giving him my best pouty face. "You're right, you're my girl." He whispers to me, smashing his lips into mine, his hands grabbing my ass. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist and he pins me against the boat. "You've been driving me fucking crazy princess." He mumbles against my lips before moving his lips down to my neck. "Hate to break up this little moment here." Rafe calls out to the two of us, JJ head shots up and he glares at Rafe. JJ sets me down and pushes me behind him. Barry whistles catches my attention, I turn around to see him walking over to us. "Hey pretty thing..." He smirks at me, a creepy and unsettling smirk. "JJ." I say quietly, grabbing his arm to get his attention. JJ looks over to see Barry and turns to face him, without warning Barry cocks a gun and points it at JJ. JJ puts his hands up and stares down at the gun, "Now don't think I forgot about you and me on the side of the road now." Barry tells JJ. JJ steps back, I tightly hold onto his shirt, with every step Barry takes closer to him. "Now I'm here cause I want my motherfucking money." Barry shouts, slamming the gun into the side of his head. JJ groans before hitting the ground, "JJ." I shout, about to grab him before two arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me away. "Y/N, this isn't about you." Rafe tells me, walking around the boat before setting me down. "Now where's John B?" Rafe ask me, standing between me going to help JJ. "I have no fucking clue." I shout at him, attempting to move past him. Rafe shoved me back and I slap him across the face. JJ groans and holds his stomach as he rolls onto his back, "Stay down boy." Barry tells him, I feel sick seeing JJ laying there in pain. "Now I really wish you didn't do that now." Rafe tells me, his eyes turning dark. He steps closer to me and I step back till I hit the table behind me. "I know what you did." I tell him, my voice shaking a bit but I tried to not show him fear. "Yeah? What'd I do Y/N? Tell me." Rafe says, barley any space between the two of us now. "You murdered Peterkin." I snap at him, my comment grabs Barry's attention. Barry had the same wicked smirk on his face from earlier, Rafe grabs my throat and pulls me closer to him. I gasp and put my hands ontop of his in an attempt to pull his hands away from my neck. "Don't you ever say anything like that again." Rafe shouts. Barry grabs JJ shoulders and pulls him to his feet, "That's what happens when you steal from me, we'll hurt your girl." Barry tells him, JJ heart drops to his stomach at the sight of me struggling in Rafes grip. "Let go of me." I snap, trying my best to get him to drop me. "Y/N." JJ shouts, trying to break free of Barry's arms to only get punched in the stomach a few times by Barry, "Stay down I said." Barry shouts, standing over JJ. "Now tell me where John B is." Rafe demands of me, shouting in my face. "I don't know." I yell back, feeling him tightening his grip around my throat. "I'm not gonna ask you again." Rafe shouts at me, his face only inches from mine. Pope runs up behind me and hits him the back with a crow bar, "Don't touch her." He shouts as the bar makes contact with Rafes back. Rafe drops me and I fall to my knees, couching while I try to catch my breath. Pope hits Rafe a few more times before the bar gets knocked out of his hands. Rafe takes a swing at him but misses and Pope lands one right to his nose. Barry steps over JJ to go help Rafe, JJ grabs his ankle and knocks him to the ground, the gun falling out of his hands just above his head. "Y/N, the gun." JJ shouts at me, I get to my feet and kick it away before Barry can grab it. Barry goes to grab me, JJ grabs him and slams him into the side of the boat. I look back at Pope repeatedly punching Rafe, over and over again. "Pope." I shout trying to get his attention, JJ knocks Barry to the ground before looking over at Pope. "Pope, man that's enough. He got the message." JJ tells him, it was like Pope was on auto pilot, he just kept punching him. "Snap out of it man, he's had enough." JJ shouts louder now, walking over to him. Rafe falls back and leans over the table to try and catch his breath. Pope grabs a cable on the table and wraps it around his throat. "Pope, stop you'll kill him." I shout to him, looking at him shocked. Pope groans as he tightens the grip on Rafes neck. "Pope, that's enough. He's had enough. Let him go." JJ says, grabbing Popes cheeks. It brought him back to reality, Rafe falls to his knees and holds his chest.  I let out a sigh of relief when Pope let him go, JJ immediately walks over to me. He stops just infront of me when he sees my neck, Rafes hand print was on my neck and bruises were staring to form. I look at him confused before I pull out my phone and look at my neck. "Let's just go, hook the boat up." I say softly walking over to my car while I look at my neck in the mirror. Pope pats JJ back and the two of them hook the boat up to the truck.

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