Chapter thirty four:

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JJ and I took our time leaving Monday morning, we were in no rush to get back so soon. JJ insisted on driving even if it was my car, he had one hand on the wheel and his other hand in mine. We had the windows down, the warm summer air ran throw the car as JJ drove.

JJ takes a deep breath when we pull back into OBX, squeezing my hand. I turn my attention to him and squeeze his hand and rub his arm with my other hand. "It's gonna be fine, you won't go home to your dad. You can stay with me, we can talk to everyone, everything will be alright." I tell him, trying to reassure him the best I could. He glanced at me and nodded his head, "And if things get to much again we just go back to Wilmington. No questions asked, you wanna go we leave right away." I tell him, watching a small smile creep on JJ face.

We eventually pull into the Chateau to see Pope and Kie messing with something. They stop when they realize we pulled up, "We're happy you could finally get away from your vacation and join us." Pope calls out to us. JJ grabs my hand and the two of us walk over to them, Kiara climbs out the barrel that hung from the tree. "Is this for the gold?" I ask them, "That's your first question? No sorry we just took off, we were here and doing this?" Kiara ask me. "We apologize for leaving so abruptly but not for going. It was a lot of fun and nice to get away for two days." JJ tells her. "We're just happy your back." Pope tells JJ, pulling him into a hug. I walk over to Kiara while she glares at me, "Kie he needed it, he was drowning." I tell her, two of us glancing back at JJ and Pope talking. She sighs and pulls me into a hug, "Well I'm glad your back." She smiles at me. "We love how you decorated the place by the way JJ." Kiara tells him, pointing at the stuff all around the yard. JJ smiles to himself and takes a bow, "Where's John B?" I ask noticing he isn't here. "Speak of the devil." JJ calls out, John B ignores all of us and just goes inside. We all run after him and watch him search through the living room for something, "What are you looking for?" I ask him, getting completely ignored. John B lifts up the pull out couch mattress and pulls out the gun that JJ hide there. "John B, what do you need the gun for?" JJ ask him, Kiara and I step back from him as he still doesn't say a word to anyone. John B shoves JJ down onto the couch, Pope tries to stop him and gets shoved into the table. "John B chill, talk to us what's going on?" I ask walking after him, Kiara catches Pope before walking after me. I run outside after him and he hops onto JJ bike, "John B please, talk to us." I beg him, "Ward knows about the gold, he killed my dad." He informs us before taking off, the bike kicks up dust.

He pulls up to Cameron's house, he sneaks back inside by stops by the dining room when he hears Ward talking to someone else. "Your telling me my daughter is apart of this gold hunting bullshit?" The man shouts, John B leans around the corner to see Ward and another man talking. "She's friends with Big Johns son and dating a friend of his, of course she's involved." Ward snaps back at him, "The kid knows now what happened to his father. I didn't say anything about your involvement but he'll figure it out." Ward tells him, John B puts two and two together and figure out this is Y/N dad, he's involved with the gold hunt as well. John B as quietly as he can sneaks up to go talk to Sarah.

JJ and Y/N walk into her house, Tucker and Tommy sat in the living room and watching TV. "Welcome back you two." Tommy calls out to us, "I thought you'd be gone a-lot longer than that." Tucker says, sitting up. "So where'd you end up staying at?" Tucker ask, making room on the couch for us. I sit down and JJ wraps his arm around my shoulders, "Wilmington." I tell them and my brothers give me a weird look, "What's there? Thought you would've gone to like a Charleston or something." Tommy ask the two of us, "It's a cute little town, it was quiet. We enjoyed ourselves." I tell them, cuddling into JJ arms. "We'll pizza is on the way." Tucker says, turning his attention back to the movie playing.

Someone pounds on my bedroom door, startling awake JJ and I. JJ climbs out of my bed and throws on his shorts, he cracks open the door to see John B standing there. "Ward got the gold." John B says, storming in. "Come on in..." JJ says in a sarcastic tone, closing the door behind him. "John B no one knew about the gold but us, there's no way he found it." I tell him, not believing him. John B lays down next to me in my bed, "He bought the property, I went and looked. Every last bar of gold is gone. " He tells us, laying on his back and staring up at my ceiling. "And lay in bed with my girlfriend..." JJ mumbles again. I sit up and JJ climbs back into bed behind me, laying his back against the head board. I lean my back against his chest and look over at John B. I grab my phone from the nightstand, "Please don't text Sarah, she doesn't believe me either. Told me it to my face." John B tells me. "Nope, I'm texting Kie. She should be here, I would text Pope but he has his scholarship interview this morning and I think he should focus on that." I tell the boys, putting my phone back down. "Y/N..." John B says, sitting up to look at me. "Your dads apart of it as well." He tells me, "What? No he's not. He's just here to get my brothers and I back." I tell John B. "He is, when I was sneaking into the Cameron's last night he was in the house arguing with Ward about your involvement. I saw him." John B tells me, looking up at JJ now. I take a deep breath and rub my hands over my face, "He's has a lot of secrets, doesn't really surprise me at this point honestly." I tell him, cuddling myself into JJ arms. "Now we have two assholes trying to screw us..." I say. JJ and John B don't say anything he just glance at each other, JJ was running his fingers through my hair, none of us knew what to say to each other.

We all left my house and went back to John B, we sat on the dock and informed Kie of everything. "So it's all gone..." Kie sighs, sitting on the railing. John B laid on the dock, his head supported by some life jackets. "Every last bar, they left nothing behind." He tells us. JJ sat on the railing as well, smoking a joint. I stood next to him and he hands me the joint, I inhale the smoke before playfully blowing the smoke into JJ face. I see out of the corner of my eye, Pope running over to us. "What the hell?" I question, Pope makes it over to us and puts his hands on his knees. "How was your interview?" JJ ask him, Pope shakes his head and tries to catch his breath. "Don't ask." He tells us. Pope stands up straight now, "So before my interview today, my dad said he was going down to the private air strip to cut palms for Cameron's big plane." He exclaims, I scrunch my eyebrows together and look at JJ, he sighs and shakes his head, not understanding what he's trying to say either. "Because it was too heavy and it needed a longer strip to take off." Pope tells us, "Still not understanding what your trying to say here Pope." I tell him, taking the blunt back from JJ again. "So I was sitting there in my interview, wondering why would Ward need to use his bigger plane and need a long air strip?" Pope ask us, throwing his hands up. JJ's eyes widen and he looks at him shocked, "Gold." JJ says, piecing everything together now. Pope swings his arms around and points to JJ, "Exactly." He exclaims. "Guys this is our chance, but it leaves tonight so we have to act fast." Pope tells us, I look at Kie with pure excitement. "Guys, we can't back out now." Kiara tells us, putting her hands over her mouth in excitement. "What's the move, big man?" JJ ask, looking over at John B. "We're gonna steal that shit back." John B says, I smile wide and jump into JJ arms in excitement.

Ward and James Limbrey stood at the air strip together, "Did you talk to the people at Nassau?" James ask Ward, watching the gold be loaded into the big cargo plane. "Yup, everything is squared away." Ward tells him, leaning back against his car. "We did it, hard part is over with." James smiles, "You got your daughter away from that boy?" James ask Ward. Ward smiles a bit and nods his head, "Gave her no reason not to believe me." Ward tells him, watching a car pull up and Sarah gets out of it. "Sarah, sweetie. This is my friend, James Limbrey." Ward tells Sarah, Sarah stops in her tracks and realizes it's Y/N dad. James smiles at her and holds out his hand, Sarah reluctantly shakes it, "I hear your friends with my daughter, Y/N. Do you happen to know where she is right now?" He ask Sarah, Sarah pushes her lips together and shakes her head. "I have no clue, haven't seen her in a few days." Sarah tells him, James just smiles and nods his head slowly, "Alright." He says softly, putting his hands back in his pockets.

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