Chapter thirty three:

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JJ had my phone and was looking at places for us to stop at, I just drove out of the Outer Banks. The silence between us wasn't awkward it was comforting actually, JJ had my phone in one of his hands and the other on my thigh, tracing small little circles on my leg as I drove. "We could go to Wilmington." JJ suggest looking up from my phone. "It says they're having a town festival this weekend." JJ tells him, lighting up with excitement. "Then it's settled." I smile at him, he puts the map in for the town and leans over to kiss my cheek.

The next morning Kiara and Pope drive up to John B house, no sight of JJ or Y/N. John B and Sarah sat inside when they walked in. "No sign of either of them yet?" Pope ask, John B sighs and shakes his head. "Nope, checked JJ house. His bike is there but his dad said he left." John B tells them, "Anyone check out Y/N place? Maybe they're hiding out there for right now?" Kiara ask us, "It's worth a shot." John B tells them, they are get into his van and he drives off to Y/N place.

John B pulls up to see Y/N older brothers outside working on one of their trucks. Tucker stands up and looks over to the van, "How's it going?" John B calls out to Tommy and Tucker, as they all step out the van. "We haven't seen JJ or Y/N since yesterday... just coming to check if they're here." John B tells him, shoving his hands in his pockets. "They came by last night so Y/N could get clothes, they're going on a appreciative weekend retreat Y/N called it." Tucker tells them, crossing his arms over his chest. "Y/N seemed pissed and JJ was pretty messed up when he came over. Anything we should know about?" Tucker ask, looking between the four of them. "Uhhh no we're all good." John B says, glancing back at Pope who already had his phone out, trying to call them. Everyone climbs back into the van, Pope FaceTimed Y/N phone.
JJ picks up the call, "Hello?" JJ says, giving Pope a confused look.
"JJ, where the hell are you two?" Pope ask him, they can see JJ laying in bed. Y/N straddled his lap just out of view.
"Hi Pope." Y/N calls out, handing JJ back the blunt.
"You two are just getting high together?" John B shouts, grabbing the phone from Pope.
"Oh hey JB." JJ smiles, taking a long drag from it.
"Dude we're suppose to be getting the gold." John B argues with him.
"I understand that, we don't even have a plan. What's the use if we don't have a plan to get it out?" JJ ask them, not even looking at the phone anymore.
Pope grabs the phone back, "JJ give the phone to Y/N and let me talk to her." Pope demands of him.
"Respectfully no. She is sitting on my lap right now naked, I will not show you my naked girlfriend." JJ admits, laughing as Y/N gasp and they can see her slap his chest. "JJ." She chuckles, pulling a blanket over the two of them and laying her head down on his chest.
"I can't lie, I am naked right now." Y/N giggles, JJ starts laughing a bit as well and pecks her lips quickly.
"Can you just tell us where the hell you two are? We've been worried since you both stormed off yesterday on us." John B says,
"We're in a hotel room, we woke up a few hours ago. I've already fucked Y/N and I'm high. That is where I am right now." JJ tells them, Kiara groans in disgust.
"When do we even plan to come back?" Y/N ask JJ, lifting her head off his chest.
"When we run out of weed?" JJ ask, grin plastered on his face.
Kiara grabs the phone from Pope, "Can you two focus right now? Where the hell are you?" Kiara snaps at them. "Wilmington, we are in a hotel here in Wilmington." JJ finally admits to them, "Oh my god..." Sarah says, running her fingers through her hair.
"We don't know what day we'll be back but we have plans to go to this town festival so we have to go." JJ tells them,
"No, JJ talk to us." John B shouts, taking the phone again.
"Dude, stop shaking the phone. Your giving me motion sickness." JJ tells them, Y/N puts her hand over his eyes. "Ahh, much better." JJ says, both of them laughing together now.
"We're hanging up now, goodbye." Y/N says and with her free hand she hangs up the phone.
"Fuck..." John B mumbles when the call ends. "We'll that was fucking helpful..." Sarah comments, glancing back at Kiara and Pope.

"Y/N hurry up..." JJ calls out to me, in a singing tone. I walk out the bathroom, button up my Jean shorts. I curled my hair, put on a pair of Jean shorts, a plaid white and blue button up with long sleeve and tucked it into the front of my shorts with a pair of white vans. JJ finishes tying his shoes and stands up, "Gorgeous as always." JJ tells me, leaning in to kiss my cheek. "Thank you handsome." I smile, grabbing his hand while the two of us walk out the hotel room.

It was a short walk from our hotel to the town festival, I look around at all the booths set up, food vendors, and live music playing. "What's first JJ?" I ask him, watching him scan the whole festival. "We're in no rush, we'll see everything." He tells me, smiling down at me. He adjust his hat on his head and turns it backwards, he leans down and kisses me softly. 

JJ had his arm loosely wrapped around me while we walked the different shops set up, buying random and little things we probably didn't need but loved in the moment. After walking around for what felt like forever JJ and I ended up in front of a bunch of food trucks parked in the street. "Alright babe, what are we feeling tonight?" JJ ask me, naming every place we walk past together. We make our way to the end to find a taco truck, "Do we dare see if they're any good?" He ask me, seeing no one in line for it. "Nothing is going to top tacos from back home." I tell him, "I'm making us try it." He tells me, dragging me along with him to the taco truck.

JJ and I find a lone park bench to take a seat on, he opens the the Togo container and looks down at the pathetic excuse for tacos. I can't help but giggle when I saw his face drop, he slowly turns his head to look at me and I start laughing even harder. "Y/N this isn't funny... this is a crime." JJ tells me, looking back at the tacos still disgusted. "JJ I'm refusing to eat one, but you go ahead and try one." I tell him, trying to control myself. He looks at me shocked now, "If I get sick so are you." He tells me, holding the box out to me. "JJ...." I sigh, picking up one of the tacos. We both take a bite, I stop chewing when I taste how bad they are immediately, JJ drops his tacos and spits the food out of his mouth. "Those are fucking gross." He tells me, taking the disgusting taco from my hand. "I will not let us eat another bite of that." He says, shaking his head and going to throw away the container. "I'm getting us a burger." He shouts to me, walking over to one of the burger food trucks.

"Okay those burgers totally topped the terrible tacos." I tell JJ, finishing up my burger. JJ narrows his eyes at me, "Anything would top those tacos Y/N, from now on we only get tacos from our truck." He tells me, laying his arms on the bench and looking at the crowd growing around the stage the town had set up. The band starts to play a slower tone now, JJ stands up and holds his hand out to me. "Come dance with me." He ask me, I don't hesitate to take his hand and he leans us into the crowd. The band starts to play Pay No Rent by Turnpike Troubadours, the melody slow. JJ places his hands on my hips and I wrap my arms around his neck. We swayed to the music and our eyes didn't leave one another, "I don't know what I would've done if I hadn't met you..." JJ admits to me, "We haven't been together long but you saved me in ways my friends couldn't have." He tells me, pulling one hand away to tuck some hair behind my ear. "You've saved me JJ, I've never felt safe with someone before. The day I met you I instantly felt safe with you, something no one else could do for me." I tell him, my cheeks going red as I confess everything to him. JJ grabbed my hand and spun me around slowly, when I turn back to face him again he cups my cheeks and pulls me in for a kiss.

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