Chapter eight:

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"Hello earth to Y/N?" Topper calls out to me, waving his hand in front of my face. "Huh?" I question him, looking back at my two brothers sitting across from me at the table. "You just completely zoned out there." Topper tells me, sitting back in his chair. Topper came to pick my brothers and I up for lunch, we were at the country club on Figure 8. "Sorry, I didn't even realize." I tell the boys, playing with the bottom of my hair while we wait for our lunch to arrive. My thoughts just went back to my date with JJ last night, all our laughter, the kiss on the beach, and I craving his lips again. "Hey babe." A girl calls out, walking over to Topper and kissing him. Topper kisses her back with a huge smile on his face, "Sarah these are good friends of mine. They just moved to the island. This is Y/N, Tucker, and Tommy. They're siblings." He tells her, he had the biggest grin on his face. "Hi, nice to meet you." I smile at her and she takes a seat next to me. "When did you guys move here?" Sarah ask us, my attention immediately pulled away when I see JJ walk out onto the patio we were sitting on. I immediately get up and walk over to him, Topper, my brothers, and Sarah all watching me confused. "And we lost her." Tucker chuckles, leaning back in his chair. JJ looks up at me startled and raises an eyebrow at me. "What are you doing here gorgeous?" He ask, lightly placing his hand on my waist and looks me over. I smile and lay my hands on his chest, "Topper took us all out to lunch, he wanted to introduce his girlfriend to us." I tell him, JJ glances at them, then back to me. He grabs my hand and pulls me away, "Where are we going?" I ask him, he pins me against the wall once we're sight out of sight of everyone. I wrap my arms around his neck and our lips meet again, both of us craving the other one. JJ pulls back slowly with a huge grin on his face, his eyes stayed closed and his forehead rested against mine. "I'm sorry, I just had to do that again." He tells me, I bite my bottom lip and run my fingers through his hair. "I wanted to do that too." I tell him. He sighs and pulls back, looking at the clock above my head. "I get off at 3, I'll come pick you up afterwards?" He ask me, I nod my head to him. "I'm looking forward to it." I tell him, slowly walking backwards and his hands fall off my hips. I wink at him and walk back over to where we were sitting. The conversation goes quiet and I cant hide my grin anymore, "Want to tell us what that was all about?" Topper ask me, I don't look at anyone and just shake my head. "I'm good." I say, Sarah nudges my side. "I want the details, screw the boys." She whispers to me, I can't help but giggle with her and she hands me her phone. "We'll have to hang out." She says and I put my number into her phone. Tucker and Tommy both have an eyebrow raised at me. "Oh look, foods here." I call out when they put our dishes infront of us, blocking anyone from continuing to drill me about JJ.

Sarah and I sat in the backseat of Toppers jeep, screaming the lyrics to every song that came on the radio. We eventually pull up to Sarah's house and Topper turns off the car, I follow inside after Sarah and Topper and look around her huge house. "Holy shit." I says, before bumping into someone. He grabs my hips and I turn around to see Rafe with a smug grin on his lips, "Well hello gorgeous." He smiles, i scoffs and push his hands off of me, "Leave me alone Rafe." I tell him, quickly following after Sarah and Topper to her bedroom. "How long have you two known each other?" Sarah ask me, cuddling into Toppers chest on her bed. "Our moms met in medical school and we're inseparable since then." Topper tells her, "Went on a lot of family vacations together since we lived in Tennessee and his family lived here." I tell her, holding myself up with my elbow. "Personally I'm glad you moved here, not much changes around here ever." Sarah says, all of us turning around attention to her TV. "But the only problem is we have to worry about hurricanes." Sarah sighs, the three of us quietly watching the news reporting a hurricane handing right towards us. The rest of the afternoon I spent getting to know Sarah better.

I realize the time and quickly pull my phone out,
'Hey I'm sorry, I'm not home right now. I went back to Toppers girlfriends house. Can you pick me up from here?' I text JJ
'Her names Sarah Cameron.' I add in
'We'll be there in twenty minutes, I got the Pogues with me.' JJ answers.
Sarah glances over at my phone and nudges my side, "Got a little crush on JJ Maybank I sense." Sarah teases me, I smile and playfully roll my eyes. "We barley know each other, we'll see where things go." I tell her, both of us becoming quiet when Topper walks back into the room, Rafe in tow behind him. Rafe just smiles at me and it sends shivers down my spin.

'We're outside.' JJ text me, I put my shoes back on and everyone walks me out. I smile when I see the Twinkie and JJ had the door open for me and leaning against the van. "Text me." Sarah calls out to me, "Goodbye gorgeous." Rafe calls out to me, JJ's head snaps to him and his jaw was clenched. "What'd you just say?" JJ snaps at him, "Don't JJ." I tell him, grabbing his hand and pulling him into the van with me. Kie, Pope, John B, and JJ all staring at me. "What?" I ask them, "Why we're you at Sarah Cameron's house?" Pope ask me. "That's Toppers girlfriend, went to lunch with him and my brothers and he introduced us. She seems really nice." I tell her and watch Kiara just roll her eyes in disgust. "She's a back stabbing bitch, I wouldn't trust her at all." Kiara tells me, "Lot of bad blood between the two of them." John B whispers to me, I slowly nod my head, now understanding the situation. "Why is Rafe calling you gorgeous?" JJ ask me and glancing back at him walking back into his house."Is he still being creepy to you?" Kie ask me, "Wait, he was creepy to you before?" JJ shouts, snapping his head back to me. "He was creepy to me when I went with Kie to the bathroom, tried to corner me against the wall and stuff. I just bumped into him when I walked into the house and he took the invitation to put his dirty hands on me." I says, Kie acting like she was gonna throw up. I can't help but giggle as does it. JJ leans back in his seat, jaw clenched once again and staring out the window. "Just stay away from Rafe, he's insane." John B says, driving off. I look at JJ and poke his side to get his attention, "What's wrong?" I ask him, he shakes his head. "I wanna kick his ass." JJ mumbles, I can't help but giggle to myself and poke his side again. "It's cute when your jealous." I whisper in his ear. He lightens up a bit and grabs my hand, John B glancing back at us through his mirror.

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