'Til Death

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**TW: Mention of parental death.**

When a black portal opens up, allowing Dabi to step back through into Girans office, his hands buried into his pockets as usual, you're leaning over the other side of Girans desk, drawing.
Sensing he'd upset you with his earlier question, the older man had asked you what you enjoyed doing. When you mentioned that you like to draw, his face lit up and he quickly handed you a plain piece of paper and a random biro that he found on his messy desk.
At first, you were a little hesitant to draw, watching him carefully as you flicked the pen between your fingers. But you had eventually caved and began drawing small doodles at the corners of the page, which had led the way to what you were drawing now.

You're so sucked into your drawing that you forget about how nervous you were about being left with Giran, barely even registering Dabi's reappearance.
Giran is on the phone, watching you occasionally and shaking his head in disbelief.
You don't even notice him giving Dabi a look, tilting his head towards you as if to silently say 'look at that'.
You do, however, notice Dabi's mass of black hair appearing close to your face as he leans over your shoulder, the ends of his hair tickling your cheek.

"Well, wouldya look at that." Dabi breathes, a small smirk tugging on his mismatched lips. "We got ourselves a mini prodigy."

You're not overly familiar with that word, so you just blush and try to cover the artwork, despite Dabi moving away from you anyway, his hand feeling a little warmer than usual when it settles atop of your head to ruffle your hair playfully.

"Ah, Dabi, how did it go?" Giran asks, giving him a grin and finally placing his phone onto the messy desk.

You see Dabi flop carelessly into the seat next to you in your peripheral vision, and decide it's probably polite to take an interest in this subject too, seeing as Dabi seemed happy enough to include you in the outcome of the interview he'd been to.
You set the biro down on the desk too, giving Dabi your full attention.
He runs his hands through his hair, leaning back in the chair and looking up at the ceiling.

"About as well as it could go with a guy like him." Dabi says with a slight shrug.

It's minimal, something not many people would pick up on if they didn't spend twenty four hours a day with Dabi, but as much as his face seems set in its usual bored expression, his eyebrows are ever so slightly closer together than usual. But not in anger. This seemed more like stress.

"Yes, Shigaraki does have a pretty short temper." Giran chuckles, reaching for a cigarette before remembering himself and making out it was just an itch. "He's young. Just like you two."

Dabi doesn't seem overly impressed or bothered by whatever Giran has to say about this Shigaraki guy, picking at a loose staple along his wrist before scrunching his nose up and looking over at Giran.

"That hand is way more gross in person. Coulda warned me."

"He has a gross hand?" You ask, trying to involve yourself with a little frown on your own face now. You hadn't really taken Dabi for the type that would comment on other people's appearances.

"Somethin' like that, yeah." Dabi replies, although he doesn't look at you directly when he says it, instead giving Giran a dead stare, which the older man seems to seem completely unbothered by.

"I'm sure he'll get back to you soon. Kurogiri tends to keep him in line." Giran says in a clear attempt to soothe, completely ignoring Dabi's comment about Shigaraki's hand.

Dabi 'hmph's and leans back into his chair again. For a second there, he looked a little mad at Giran, his elbows rested on his thighs as he'd leaned forward and stared Giran down.
The air was beginning to feel a little heavy and uncomfortable for you, you could feel an aura coming off Dabi that you'd never experienced before, and it wasn't the usual welcoming and warm one he gave you.
He eventually peers over at you, his eyes cold, burning as they meet yours. The sudden change in his gaze sets you on edge. This version of Dabi wasn't a friendly one, and your previous experiences were holding up red flags that you desperately wanted to ignore.

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