A Fathers Rage

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Touya was furious.
He was at a whole new level of anger that he'd never felt before. Whenever he was awake he was on the edge of burning up, but he couldn't sleep unless the pain from his newer scars were bad enough that he had to pass out to deal with it, or if he smoked enough weed to numb his brain and body out.
He'd given up on storming the hospitals when he'd been in all of the ones around the warzone and come away empty handed, and was now trying more covert methods of getting her back.

That meant utilising Giran, trying to get the older man to get as much information out of the hospitals as he could. But it was taking too long, and with 'Tomura' off doing his own thing, Compress apprehended, and Twice out of commission, that left Touya, Toga, Spinner and Zero left.
And only one of them wasn't actively being sought out by the remainder of the heroes still wandering the streets of Japan. Because sure, there has been riots, and the people's faith in heroes had been shaken... but they sure as hell weren't on the League's side, either.
Which made trying to move things along quicker harder, because everyone's guards were all up, no-one trusted anyone anymore, and none of them knew what reaction there would be to their presence in the eye of the public.

On account of Touya's bad mood and self-destructive behaviour lately, the others were pretty much avoiding him.
He didn't blame them. He got it. He wasn't the nicest to be around right now.
Only Toga was brave enough to come to him, giving him the most hugs and attention he'd received from her ever. He couldn't tell if it was because she needed the comfort after what happened with Twice or because she wanted to comfort him.
He was particularly bad today after catching sight of a newspaper with a giant photograph of very recognisable people on the front of it.
Hawks, Hakuchō and Star.
He'd tried to get closer without alerting any nearby civilians or the seller, desperate for any view of Star he could get at this point.

It looked like Hawks was smiling that stupid fake smile still, even with the scar running from his neck to his cheek, half of his hair length cut off after being singed by Touya's flames and his wings still missing. With those wings gone he looked so deliciously vulnerable.
Hakuchō's smile looks less sure of itself, more forced... and Touya doesn't know how to feel about Star captured there on the front of the newspaper.
She's thin, thinner than she was when he'd last seen her. It looks like she has a nasal tube, which Touya could only assume was to get her to eat. That was... heartbreaking to say the least. Star loved to eat. She'd never turned down food while she'd been with him, because she, like him, knew how precious something like food could be.
She also looks tired, like she hadn't slept for weeks, which makes him angry. If she was in a hospital, supposedly being taken care of better than Touya could have offered himself, why did she look so awful?

And the worst part is, despite the headline being 'NUMBER TWO PRO HERO HAWKS ADOPTS RESCUED CHILD VICTIM'... She doesn't look happy about it.
She looks angry, her eyebrows pulled together and her little mouth drooping downwards.
There's also a hand on her arm, the owner cut off to the side. But she looks like she's tensing on the side she's being touched. A sign that she's not comfortable with it, or the person doing it.
And Touya can't decide whether he's relieved that she's unhappy about being adopted, or angry that they're doing it to her despite her being visibly displeased.

So he snatches a copy while the sellers are distracted, carrying it all the way to Giran's new office without reading it, trying to control his anger enough that his flames won't manifest and destroy the paper in his hand.
He walks into the office, ignoring Giran's lazy greeting and Zero's head bob of acknowledgement, slamming the newspaper on top of all the other files and papers on Giran's desk.
Giran glances at it thoughtfully, pulling the cigarette away from his lips.

"Ah." Is all he offers as he takes in what's in front of him.

"That all you can say?" Touya fumes. "I told you to fuckin' find something before some shit like this happened."

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