Truth Hurts

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You grumble as you sit in one of the building's boardrooms with Dabi, carrying your warm ducky and pressing it against your stomach firmly. 

"Four." Dabi warns as you flop onto a chair with a scowl.

"My tummy hurts." You complain.

"I know, doll, but you gotta stay here a little longer. Spinner'll take you back in a bit." Dabi sighs, sitting next to you.

"'Mura could have looked after me." You huff.

Tensions were still a little high between Tomura and Dabi. They weren't arguing anymore, but there was still a bluntness between them both that you couldn't ignore. At least they didn't argue like mom and her boyfriends used to, their voices never raising beyond their usual pitches, they would just be a little grouchy afterwards.
You'd noticed that they stopped trying to kiss each other without you noticing too, recently.

"He has work to do, too, squirt." Dabi replies, flicking your nose playfully. "Math work. Important work."

"Math is gross." You huff with a frown.

"You think everythin's gross." He replies with a roll of his eyes.

You slump into your seat as he begins to pet your hair gently and lovingly.

"I wanna see the ducks." You murmur wistfully.

You missed having time with just him doing things like seeing the ducks. Now he had been promoted he had to work all the time, and was tired whenever he wasn't working.

"Soon." He promises. "Things are busy right now."

He presses a kiss to your head just before Hawks walks in.
You perk up in your seat when you see Hakuchō walking in behind him, although Dabi doesn't seem as pleased as you to see her.

"What did I tell you about the kid?" He growls as Hawks takes a seat opposite.

"Aw, c'mon, better we break the ice sooner rather than later, right?" Hawks shrugs slightly with a grin. "Plus, you brought yours along."

"Hello." You say quietly to Hakuchō.

She waves back with a small smile, her eyes dropping to your duck plushie and then moving quickly to assess Dabi too before sitting down.

"S' a non-talking day today, kid. She's still pretty expressive though anyway if you ask me." Hawks says, giving you a friendly smile that you shy away from.

"Non-talking?" You ask, a little confused. Hakuchō had spoken to you just fine before.

"She don't talk sometimes, kid." Dabi explains, ruffling your hair. "It's called bein' non-verbal."

"No talking at all?" You query.

"Yeah." Hawks nods patiently.

"Why?" Is your immediate follow up.

Hakuchō looks uncomfortable, Hawks begins to stutter, and although Dabi looks like he wants to relish in how uncomfortable they both are, he rubs your back gently, dipping his head down to speak to you in a hushed voice. 

"Little ears." He says simply.

You huff for the thousandth time today, flopping back in your seat.

"When I have big ears, will you tell me?" You ask Hakuchō.

"Bold of ya to assume she'll still know you when you got bigger ears." Dabi mutters.

Hakuchō looks a little confused but nods when Hawks stretches out one of his wings behind her, fluffing the feathers with a yawn.
She reaches down her side and pulls an iPad looking object out of her bag. You crane your neck slightly to see what it is and she smiles softly back at you, patting the seat beside her.
You peer at Dabi for permission, and although he doesn't look pleased about it, he sighs and nods, ruffling your hair before you slide out of your current seat.

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