Lessons Learned

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You woke up after Dabi for once.
You'd woken up, sprawled over his bed with the blanket half over you. Considering you'd been up for most of the night, you felt surprisingly well-rested.
You sit up, rubbing your eyes sleepily. They were sore and swollen from the sheer amount of tears spilled last night, and still felt a little heavy because of it.
You stumble a little through the hallway as you go back to your room to change before going downstairs. It sounds lively down there today, everyone sounding pretty chatty from what you could hear as their voices travel up from the bar.

Once dressed, you plod downstairs, a little surprised to see two new extra people sitting at the bar.
One was a redhead, wearing sunglasses and a really ugly hawaiian shirt, it was worse than even some of the clothes you'd seen Giran wear with confidence. The other was masked and wearing a top-hat. The people Shigaraki had hired were getting stranger and stranger as time goes on.
You quietly approach Dabi, blushing a little when Spinner gives you a soft smile.
You tug on Dabi's vest a little to get his attention, pulling him away from the conversation he was having with the new masked member.

"Mornin' Star." Dabi greets, reaching to cup your cheek and run his thumb over your cheek. "Feelin' okay this morning?"

You nod a little, cautiously looking at the tall man who was in the bar stool directly next to Dabi.
This seems to be encouragement enough for Dabi to introduce you.

"Star, this is Mister Compress." Dabi says, nodding towards the man beside him.

The man tips his hat towards you.

"You may call me Atsuhiro, little lady." Mister Compress says, his voice confident and cheerful behind the blank mask. He almost sounded like a radio host.

You decide you like him in that moment, the only other person to allow you to use their name like that was Jin, and you loved Jin.
This is only solidified when there's a random flash of blue, and suddenly he's holding out a small bouquet of flowers towards you.
You let out a noise of pure amazement, your eyes widening and your jaw going a little slack.
Dabi chuckles a little, his hand making its way to the top of your head.
You take the flowers from Atsuhiro while chanting your thanks very enthusiastically.

"Let me take those for you, Miss Star." Kurogiri interrupts as he brings you your usual morning juice. "I'll put them in a vase for you."

You swap the flowers for the juice with Kurogiri, your attention now pretty much fully on the masked magician, hanging off his every word, even if he was just talking to Dabi and not you.
You barely even pay attention to Spinner, who was sat on Dabi's other side.
Eventually, you look shyly at Dabi. You really wanted to sit next to him, but Atsuhiro was taking a seat beside him and so was Spinner, you didn't want to be rude and kick either of them out of their seats for your own selfish sake.

He's busy listening to Atsuhiro's tales of stardom, looking pretty bored, although that was just how his face naturally seemed to sit.
Once you take some time to pluck up the courage, you tug at his shirt again, immediately garnering his attention.

"Yeah, kid?" He asks, his blue eyes lazily flickering over you, as though checking you weren't in any distress.

You look between Spinner and Atsuhiro, not wanting to embarrass yourself, before motioning for Dabi to lean closer to you.
He gives you a small smirk of amusement before entertaining your silent request by leaning forward, his ear relatively close to your lips.
You cup your hand to stop Atsuhiro from being able to read your lips as you close the gap between you and Dabi, whispering in his ear.
Dabi chuckles a little, but the instant you move away from him, he's lifting you up as though you weigh nothing, and placing you on his lap.

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