In A Cycle

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You wake up in your old yellow room with the large black patches on the walls, just like you had so many times before. The first thing you do is listen carefully for any sound of fighting, crying or just general heavy footsteps, any kind of sign that someone might be angry or heading that way.
The house seems to be quiet though, which means if you keep quiet and out of mom and her boyfriend's way, you might be able to have a nice day.
You get up as quietly as you can, not wanting to ruin the nice day before it has even started, and creep down the stairs, making sure to miss the squeaky ones.

There's still no sound of arguing or hitting, or mommy snoring like she does sometimes when she falls asleep downstairs after taking a lot of sleepy medicine.
You peer around the doorway to the living room slowly, surprised to see Uncle Jin laying on the floor. You wonder how he got here. Mommy probably like-liked him because he's big, strong and blonde and kind of scary looking if you didn't know him.

"Jin!" You whisper-yell. "What are you doing?"

You giggle quietly as you approach him. He was probably going to do something silly, like try to scare you and grab your ankles the second you got too close. It would probably get you in trouble if you yelled, but you didn't mind too much because it was Uncle Jin, and he always made you laugh, even if you were grumpy.

"Jin?" You whisper, crouching next to him and poking his shoulder.

It surprises you, even though you expect it, as he wraps his arms around you and groans right by your ear. You giggle playfully, trying to pull yourself out of his arms, using your hands against his shoulders to push him away. But when you push him away enough to reveal his face, his face is unrecognisable, bloody and melting.


You scream yourself awake, dazed and confused as you bolt upright in your bed, an unfamiliar bed, and a tightness in your hand and arm on one side.
While panting, you remember where you are. Who you're with, what they did and what they were calling you and saying about Dabi.
So when nurses begin to come in to try and soothe you, you yell at them to go away. You kick, scream, and try to get out of bed while they try to restrain you again, your quirk beginning to activate without you really meaning to again because your emotions were strong and out of control again.
Nurse Tachihara is at the forefront of it all, trying to soothe you, even as she gags. She keeps telling you to calm down, that you're okay, and that you needed to turn your quirk off off, otherwise they'd have to put you to sleep again.

"Please don't put me to sleep." You beg. "I want my pawpaw."

"Your dad? We can get your dad sweetie, what's his name?" Nurse Tachihara soothes.

"Dabi!" You reply through your teeth as you kick at another nurse, making no attempt to try to control your quirk.

Her body droops, and you fight against all the hands as they try to pin you down for long enough to safely sedate you again.

"No! No! No!" You whine as the needle gets closer, still trying to worm away from the nurses.

Tachihara's eyes begin to tear up as she strokes her thumb over your hand, the tears dripping down her face when the needle pierces your skin and you wail, kicking one of the nurses holding you down with enough strength to wind them.

"Y/N, please don't do that." Nurse Tachihara begs. "Come on, I know you're scared but it doesn't need to be worse."

"My name is Star!" You snap at her.

You then scream, ignoring every plea for you to be quiet because you were disturbing other patients, and tiring yourself out when you need to rest.
You scream until the sedative works enough to drain your energy to the point your body goes all limp without you wanting it to, your screams turning into pathetic, weak cries for help, Tachihara's eyes still watery as she squeezes your hand and tells you to just get some rest.

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