The Feeling of 'Home'

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Touya wakes up with Tomura's face pressed into his shoulder, and Star drooling on the arm Touya had placed under her head.
His other arm is still draped over her side, and he uses his quirk to heat up the little heatable duck he'd gotten her the first time she'd gotten her period.
If it were warmed up, it'd ease her discomfort for a little longer, and the longer she's out cold, the longer he could have Tomura to himself.

Two birds, one stone.

Gloved fingers begin running over his stomach, Tomura yawning behind him. It was thoughtful of him to wear gloves in his own bed for the sake of Star.
Touya himself didn't care too much. He'd seen Tomura and how he operated around his quirk for long enough to know that Tomura was incredibly careful.

"Mornin' boss." Touya greets in a hushed tone, feeling cracked lips pressing against the clear skin on his shoulder.

"Out of hours." Tomura replies with a smirk.

"Sorry. Mornin' babe." Touya corrects, cringing a little with how awkwardly the word escapes him.

It makes Tomura happy though, feeling his lips curving upwards against Touya's back moments before he pulls away from him, reaching for his phone.
Touya lets go of Star's little ducky, kissing the top of her head before slowly turning onto his back to look at Tomura.
He'd never woken up next to Tomura yet, and somehow Tomura didn't seem any different to how he usually was.

Both Touya and little Star took a little while to wake up properly, both of them looking scruffy from restless sleep and having to stretch and rub their eyes to fully realise they had woken up.
But there Tomura was, sitting up, gloved hand cradling his phone, the other reaching for a glass of water by the side of the bed. His crimson eyes were completely clear of sleep, even if they were narrowed, and his hair was just as messy as it typically was.

"Thanks for lettin' her... well, us. Stay." Touya says, voice just above a whisper.

Tomura grunts a little into the glass of water in response, lowering it back to its place on the bedside table.

"It's fine. I sleep better with people around anyway." Tomura replies with a small shrug.

Slept better with people around?
Touya raises an eyebrow. Usually it was the other way around, people liked to be alone to sleep he thought.
He can't help but wonder why it was that Tomura slept better with company and desperately tries to ignore the jealousy bubbling up underneath his skin when he wonders how Tomura knew that about himself, too.

"Didja ask Kurogiri to wash her 'jamas?" Touya yawns, sitting up slowly himself, and rubbing his eyes.

"No." Tomura replies bluntly, sounding a little confused, looking at Touya from the corners of his eyes. "Sounds like a pawpaw job."

Touya has to take a moment to collect himself and remind himself that Tomura wasn't being a dick, he was just being his usual matter-of-fact self and completely missing the point of adding some kind of tone to his voice to make it sound softer than it currently did whenever he spoke.

"She wasn't wearing those pants when she went to sleep." Touya replies quietly and calmly, gently plucking at the material covering Star's legs. "An' you were in our room. Surely you musta seen some pants lyin' around?"

Tomura raises one of his wrinkled brows in a way that Touya just knows is aimed at the mess that is Star and his room.
It wasn't easy sharing a space with a prepubescent kid that had never been taught how to tidy a space, and seemed absolutely fine living within a mess thanks to the neglect of her mother.
Mess was homely to the poor little girl.

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