In Sickness...

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Touya groans. That was Shigaraki's voice, and thanks to both his innate ability to tell when something's wrong, and the clear snappy tone from his boss, he knew he was in trouble for some bullshit reason again.

"What?" He asks, turning his head to look at the other man with a slight frown.

"Your kid's calling for you." Shigaraki informs him dryly.

"An' you didn't tell her to come down here?" Touya asks, raising a thin black eyebrow.

Shigaraki's eyes shift to their sides.

"Sounded like she was crying."

Touya gets up from his seat quicker than he was even aware he was capable of. He feels his body heat rise instantly in his anger.

"You didn't think to fuckin' check on her?" Touya snaps, shoulder barging the smaller Shigaraki as he rushes past him.

If Shigaraki replies, Touya doesn't hear him, too busy rushing to Star's aid.
Typically she always woke up before him, and would cuddle into him until he was awake too. He really should have known something was up with her when she'd overslept, but he was so glad to see her sleeping peacefully for once.
Sure enough, the second he exits the elevator, he hears it.

Tearful cries of 'pawpaw'.

He opens the door to the room in a hurried panic, practically throwing himself into the dark room.

"Star? What's wrong?" Touya asks, heading straight to the little sobbing lump under the blankets, placing a hand atop her.

"I can't see! And my head hurts really really bad." She sobs.

"You can't see?" He asks, trying not to sound as worried as he feels.

He knows full well if he sounds worried that'll push her over the edge that she was already clearly teetering on.
He crouches beside the bed, pulling her covered body towards him under all the blankets.

"Let me feel your temperature." He says quietly, moving the blanket down a little to try and reveal her face.

He wasn't even confident he'd be able to feel if she was cold or feverish, but he was going to give it a damn good go.

"Hey doll." He greets softly as her face is revealed.

Her poor little eyes are all squinted like she genuinely was struggling to distinguish what was in front of her, a sheen of sweat on her forehead, her hair damp from it and stuck to her face in certain places.

"I can't see you." She sobs again.

"I'm right here, kid." Touya soothes, moving her hair out of her face and placing the unmarred area of the back of his hand against her forehead.

Sure enough, she was burning up (from what little he could tell), but he wasn't too sure if it was because she'd wrapped herself up so tight within the blankets.

"You said your head hurts?" Touya asks, petting her hair again.

She nods weakly.
Touya sighs, cuddling her little wrapped-up body gently for a second.

"Sounds like a migraine." He mumbles. "Didn't think little babies like you could get 'em."

"I'm not a baby." She whimpers.

Touya chuckles dryly. She still had a little fight in her, as always. He kisses her forehead, before raising to his full height again, looking down at poor little Y/N as she shivers under the covers, her eyes closed.

"Ya cold?" He asks, frowning a little.

"Mhm." She hums, despite visibly dripping sweat again.

He doesn't like seeing her like this one bit. He doesn't like not understanding where this sickness has come from. He doesn't like that a ten year old is having a migraine, and he doesn't like that he doesn't know what to do.

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