Old Habits Die Hard

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"Good morning, Miss Star." Kurogiri greets. "Dabi."

"Easy on the enthusiasm." Dabi grumbles sarcastically as he slides into a seat at the bar.

"Star." Shigaraki greets, a rarity in the mornings. "How are you?"

"I'm okay." You reply, climbing onto a seat between him and Dabi. "Thank you for looking after me."

He waves at you dismissively, watching the news intently. This was part of his usual morning routine whenever he actually got up on time. You wondered if he'd actually really slept properly since moving here, never mind since Magne had passed.
There was nothing being shown on screen that interested you, so you turn your attention elsewhere, reaching for your hot water bottle from Dabi, who had been warming the water in it again for you.

"S' it hot enough?" Dabi asks as he passes it to you. "Careful."

You nod as soon as you feel the warmth that's close to Dabi's own in your hands and press it against your stomach.
You blink when Kurogiri places a bowl of muesli in front of you, with pieces of dried fruit and what looked like kinds of seeds in it too.
You don't mean to be rude, but your face must say it all as Kurogiri pushes it closer to you.

"It's integral that you have an iron-rich diet during your menstrual cycle." Kurogiri informs you, and you see Shigaraki roll his eyes, even with his hood up.

"Looks like chicken food." Dabi deadpans from beside you. "Let the kid have somethin' fun."

"If you put sugar on it, it makes it easier to eat." Shigaraki offers, not moving his eyes away from the TV screen. "Kurogiri."

Kurogiri doesn't need to be told twice, retrieving some sugar and sprinkling it over the bland-looking cereal.
You thank him, finding that it looks far more appealing with sugar poured onto it.

"That's okay, Miss Star." Kurogiri returns back to making coffee. "I used to make this for Tom-"

"Kurogiri." Shigaraki warns, his eyes narrowed and gaze dangerous.

"Apologies." Kurogiri bows, and doesn't speak again.

Dabi pets your head as you eat, watching the news too, paying no mind to the interaction between Shigaraki and Kurogiri.
You swing your feet as you eat, watching the TV too, not that you really understand anything that's happening on the screen, but Shigaraki and Dabi seemed interested in it.
That is until Dabi huffs and demands Shigaraki turn it over when a man who seems to be on fire appears on the TV. Shigaraki waves at him in a way that everyone knew meant 'shut up', and Dabi's expression darkens.

"He's on fire!" You yell, pointing at the screen.

"He's fine, Star." Dabi sighs, rolling his eyes. "It's just for show."

"Doesn't it hurt?" You ask, panicked at the potential harm this huge man on the screen may be in by having facial hair made of fire.

"He wouldn't do it if it did." Dabi replies dryly.

You 'hm', still a little worried about him, slowing down as you eat as you watch the TV too, now, watching as the news shows a clip of the fire man fighting another huge man with a spear made of flames.

"He has fire like you." You comment thoughtfully.

Dabi stiffens beside you momentarily before giving a small huff.

"Mine's cooler." He replies, leaning back and crossing his arms over his chest.

"Mhm! 'Cause it's blue!" You agree. "It's pretty."

Shigaraki gives one of his amused breaths, not even bothering to turn to look at you both.
You don't understand what's funny about what you said, but you appreciate the little hair ruffle that Dabi gives you.
Spinner comes into the bar area next, yawning and scratching the back of his neck. His violet hair is tied back, and he's only wearing sweatpants.
Dabi's hand goes to the back of your neck, his thumb rubbing over the skin there.

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