Girls Night

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"And then what happened?" Himiko asks excitedly as you paint her nails a bright shade of red slowly and carefully.

"And then Dabi got onto one knee in front of Tomura, and Tomura held his hand out like he was telling Dabi to be quiet." You inform her, trying not to get too excited while recounting the story in case you messed up her nails. "But then Tomura pulled out a ring too! And Dabi said 'so that's a yes, then?', and then they both hugged."

"So romantic!" Himiko coos, her eyes sparkling and her grin the widest you'd ever seen before. "If Izuku or Ochaco ever propose to me, I want it to be romantic too!"

Hakuchō hasn't really spoken since being in Himiko's room, being sat on her floor with Cloud purring on her lap as she pets him. She pulls a bit of a face at Himiko's words, but remains silent, seeming to know better than to say anything mean to her.

"Hakuchō, how do you want Shinsou to propose?" You ask, trying to get the winged girl involved in your conversation.

She stares at you for a second, a range of emotions flickering through her face as she opens her mouth and then closes it.
Himiko looks at her, and then slowly turns to look at you to see your reaction to being ignored. When she sees how hopeful you look, she looks back at Himiko again, putting on an almost sneering smile.

"Yeah, Hakuchō, how do you want Hitoshi to propose?" She asks, her smile becoming meaner when she sees how using his first name affects Hakuchō.

"Don't call him that." She says weakly.

"But it's his name." Himiko replies matter-of-factly.

"You're not his friend." Hakuchō points out, sounding like she's trying to remain calm.

"Don't worry, I don't think he's cute." Himiko giggles. "So tell us. How should he propose?"

"Is he even alive?" She asks in return, which changes the vibe of the whole room.

Himiko's smile wavers a bit, and you look at Himiko a little puzzled, unsure as to why Hakuchō would ask her that question. Himiko shrugs, though, and returns her attention to what you're doing.

"Probably. Lots of sneaky little heroes got away." She says coldly, and then her mood changes again. "What about you, Star! What kind of husband do you want?"

"Boys are gross." You say simply, shutting down the conversation before it can even start.

"Aw, c'mon, I've seen you get all blushy about Spinner sooo many times!" Himiko says, leaning her head back dramatically. "He's too old for you, though, so maybe we can find you another lizard boy!"

"Stop!" You whine, embarrassed.

Himiko giggles, and Hakuchō continues watching her with an expression you don't really recognise.

"Does it have to be a lizard, though?" She asks, continuing to tease you as you close the nail polish and scowl at her. "There might be a nice... fox, or something."

"Cut it out, Himiko!" You say, nudging her leg with your foot playfully. "I don't like Spinner!"

"Sure." She replies in a sing-song tone. "Do Hakuchō's nails now if she's just going to sit being boring."

You hum, turning to look at Hakuchō, who doesn't really seem too interested in participating, but she does get up, picking Cloud up carefully and plopping him on the bed next to Himiko.

"Sit here." You direct, patting the other side of you so you can turn your back to Himiko while you work on Hakuchō's nails. "What colour do you want?"

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