How The Other Half Live

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You were in a hotel.
It wasn't anything special, and you could hear everyone walking through the hallway, as well as the couple upstairs arguing, but it was a hotel, and there was even a proper bed. One with a mattress, not a little thin mat placed on a metal frame.
There was even a flat screen TV, and Dabi let you choose what was on, probably in an attempt to lift your spirits after he'd forced you to open up earlier, so you were sucked into a movie, perched at the end of the bed with your mouth hanging open as Dabi scrolls through his phone.
It's quiet between you both, but it's a comfortable silence.

"F' ya sit that close to the screen, you'll get square eyes." He comments eventually.

"No I won't." You deadpan, shooting him a look, but moving back anyway, not wanting to do anything that will make him change his mind about looking after you.

He smirks, looking at you through his eyelashes. Sometimes when you were a little braver about what you said to him, he'd smile or laugh like he enjoyed it, sometimes he even looked proud when you got a little shirty with him.

"Ya never seen someone with square eyes, kid?" He asks.

"No." You frown.

He raises his eyebrows at you, still smiling, before leaving his question hanging in the air, going back to reading something on his phone.
You try to ignore what he said, trying to focus on the movie, but his words get into your head the second you remember you had actually seen someone with square eyes once, and had simply put it down to some kind of quirk at the time.
With a little huff, you scoot yourself back so your backs against the headboard, sitting right beside Dabi, close enough to feel the heat coming off him as he sits casually scrolling through his phone, only a slight chuckle leaving him when you move even further from the TV.

Towards the end of the movie, you end up beginning to doze off against Dabi without even really realizing it, your head resting on his arm as your body begins to slide down the wooden headboard.
He freezes at first, but quickly relaxes, allowing you to continue resting against him. He's nice and warm, the heat that comes off him constantly lulling you into a feeling of comfort that you'd never had before. He wasn't bony, like mom was either, so his arm was comfortable to rest on.
You were close to completely falling asleep when Dabi gave you a gentle shake, bringing you back around again.

"Huh?" You ask sleepily, sitting up again and rubbing your eyes.

"If ya sleep now, you won't later. Plus, I want you to do somethin' for me." Dabi says, blunt and to the point.

You pause, giving him a look of distrust. It was just you and him, no-one else around like in the shelters. If he wanted to go against your rules, he could, and you wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

"What's that look for?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. "Ain't nothing bad, trust me. Jus' curious about your quirk, kid."

You frown a little.
He really had seemed interested in your quirk earlier, too. And the attention to it was something you were really unused to. It wasn't exactly flashy like some of the quirks your old classmates had, and you were banned from using it after making mom and one of her boyfriends sick. You weren't allowed to use it outside, either, so you never really learned much about it yourself.

"What about it?" You ask, frowning and rubbing your eyes even harder, trying to clear your vision.

"How long does it last?" He asks. "The sickness, that is."

"I... I don't know." You reply, still a little confused and disorientated.

"You can't just turn it off?" He questions.



You're being asked way too much way too quickly and your brain begins to shut down while you come around fully again.

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