Miracles Happen

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You tried your best to follow Hakuchō's advice and behave, even when you really didn't want to, because annoyingly, she was right, and it was nice when you weren't all fighting. And a little part of you worried that you were maybe becoming like your mom with how much you had been arguing with them. You didn't want that. You wanted to continue living a nice life where you were loved, even if you weren't here really.
But the more you behaved or at least kept your mouth shut and your hands to yourself, the more freedom you were granted by Hawks.

It wasn't much freedom, not like when you lived with Dabi, and you had the freedom of the entire mansion and being allowed days out with Dabi, Himiko or 'Mura, but it was more than you had when you continually got locked up in that room.
But the more peaceful you were, the more Hakuchō would leave the house and leave you alone with Hawks, even though you didn't like him or feel safe with him.
He was never mean to you while you were alone with him, but he did constantly try talking to you, even when you were drawing or watching TV, and you didn't want to talk to him.
Whenever he did try talking to you outside of absolutely having to, you mostly ignored him or gave one word answers back.

You definitely didn't engage with the questions about Dabi, or your other family members, no matter how he tried phrasing it or worming into the subject matter.
So whenever you were left alone with him, you ended up going to the room yourself and eventually, he just started working while Hakuchō was out, only occasionally peeping into the room you stayed in upstairs to check in on you.

You weren't expecting the opportunity to leave the house so quickly after you started behaving. Hakuchō had approached you asking if you wanted to go to a cat café, and after learning that it was a café full of free-roaming cats, you absolutely wanted to go and see what the big deal was after Dabi had told you that cats were his favourite animal.
She kept reminding you to behave from the moment you agreed to go up until before you got out of the car to go into the café.
The outside didn't seem as scary as you'd heard Hawks saying, it was a little bit quieter than usual, and a lot of shops had boarded up windows, or looked like they'd been destroyed, but that was further in the distance from where you were.

And then when you'd seen the fluffy animals inside the café through the window, you were well and truly distracted, only paying attention to Hakuchō and the boy she said she wanted to date when he appears close by.
He was dressed just like Dabi, from the torn clothes to the black nail varnish, and rightly or wrongly, it made you feel like you could trust him because it was the closest thing you had felt to home at the moment.
Hakuchō doesn't look happy with you, and you can safely guess it's because you're staring, but if he just had scars, blue eyes and black hair, you could pretend it was Dabi.

"Feathers." He greets her, and then looks at you. "F/N."

You don't like that, so you correct him, telling him your name is Star.
He immediately apologises and corrects himself, and that makes your shoulders release their tension. He was listening, just like Dabi did but no-one else seemed to.
He even crouches a little, going eye-to-eye with you, close enough that you can see he's wearing makeup like Dabi does to hide his white eyelashes.

"Ready to go see some cats?" He asks you.

"My pawpaw likes cats." You tell him.

He nods, the corners of his mouth turning upwards ever-so-slightly just like Tomura's did sometimes and he says: "He has good taste in animals, then. Come on then."

He even complimented Dabi!
You decide there and then that you like this boy that Hakuchō wants to be boyfriend and girlfriends with. He even opens the door for you like Atsuhiro used to whenever you went anywhere with him, only following you into the café when both you and Hakuchō were inside.
A ginger cat immediately hisses at Hakuchō, so you decide you like that one, and immediately sit down and encourage it over.
You're not too sure on how to pet cats, because you'd never been allowed a pet before, and you'd only really pet ducks that you remembered. Your hand is a little clumsy as you pet it, but it's rumbling and curled up on your lap anyway, so you assume you're doing a good job.

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