Happy Birthday Tomura!

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You wait until the little clock on your bedside table says eight a.m. before getting out of bed excitedly, rushing downstairs to try to make Tomura and Dabi coffee.
Kurogiri is already in the kitchen, making a start on breakfast by the looks of it.

"Miss Star." He greets. "You're up early."

"It's Tomura's birthday!" You exclaim. "I wanna make them coffee."

Kurogiri hums a little and turns to the coffee machine.

"I'll make it, and you can take it up to them." He says. "It's safer that way."

"Okay!" You agree, hopping onto the countertop and watching him work the coffee machine with his misty hands. "Did you get Tomura a present?"

"No, Miss Star." He replies. "I was a present for him, when he was younger."

"You were?" You ask, watching him as he works around the kitchen.

"Yes. When his teacher was going through his procedures I was gifted to him." Kurogiri says evenly.

"That's a good present..." You muse. "I did a painting."

"I'm sure he'll like it." He replies, checking on the rice while the coffee machine whirrs.

Uncle Jin comes in, his hair messy and his tired eyes even more tired than usual as he walks heavily footed into the kitchen. He gives a lazy smile when he sees you perched on the countertop.

"Mornin' Star." He greets, giving you a quick hug. "Up early!"

"Mhm! Its 'Muras birthday." You tell him, kicking your legs while you wait for Kurogiri to finish the second cup of coffee. "I'm going to bring Dabi and Tomura a coffee!"

"Too cute!" Uncle Jin's second voice exclaims, and he pinches your cheek a little rougher than Dabi would usually allow, but it makes you giggle anyway.

"Here you are, little Miss Star." Kurogiri says, placing the second cup next to you. "Please don't run."

"Thank you!" You chime, jumping down and taking a cup in each hand, not running, but speed walking towards the staircase.

You feel your face heat up the second you see Spinner coming down the stairs shirtless, also looking a little abashed, but you keep your eyes on your feet as you pass, only giving a small 'hello' when he says 'good morning' to you.
You realise your mistake when you stand in front of their bedroom door, unable to knock on the door with your hands full. Instead you very carefully bump the door a couple of times with one of your elbows.

You hear a frustrated groan from inside, which is rude, but you're too excited to care.

"I have coffee!" You call, unable to hide the excitement in your voice.

There's a snort from inside, and then silence for a second until Tomura opens the door, looking at you with amused ruby eyes.

"Happy birthday pa! Coffee!" You say, holding out a cup for him.

He gives you a genuine smile, and takes the cup from you.

"Thank you little Star. Shall I take that too?" He asks, reaching for the other cup too.

You shake your head, passing him easily and darting into the room to give Dabi his coffee. Dabi looks a little startled and quickly moves the sheet higher up his body.

"Star, what-"

"Coffee!" You reply in a sing-song voice, climbing onto the bed too.

Dabi looks exasperated, but Tomura looks nothing more than amused as he shuts the door and comes over to the bed again.

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