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Touya wasn't really used to this.
Little Y/N was being so fussy over him, cuddled up to his side by her own choice as they watched TV together.
Whenever he'd been sick, or hurt, before, he'd had to deal with it alone. He'd been treated like a nuisance for having been hurt or being too sick to train with his old man when he was younger.
Now as an adult, he had to learn to put up and shut up.

She felt bad, that much was clear, despite him having asked for her to use her quirk on him.
And damn, was that one hell of a quirk.
He admittedly has an incredibly weak stomach. Came with the fact that his quirk basically boiled him alive from the inside out. He felt sick a lot of the time, had to have food lukewarm or just straight up cold, drank water like he was about to go through a drought, and oftentimes, felt nauseous.
It only took a little motion sickness to set him off, but her quirk was even worse than that.

The second Star had activated it, his balance had immediately been knocked, the room swaying and seeming to distort, his ears began ringing and his knees wanted to buckle to bring him to the ground.
It had honestly been a miracle that he'd managed to stumble into the bathroom.
It had only lasted around an hour, despite it feeling longer when he was curled up on the bathroom floor, trying to keep control of his quirk between throwing up and pressing his head against the cool of the porcelain to cool down.

During the whole ordeal she came to check on him intermittently, a small and shy 'Dabi?' making its way through the door.
She was just too sweet for this awful world.

And now she was babying him.
She was cuddled up to him like he was that damn teddy bear she loved so much, occasionally peeking up at him to make sure he was okay.
She even brought him some more water whenever he drained the cup he left on the bedside table.
Y/N really was just like Fuyumi. It was almost eerie.

He was still. So still. He didn't want to move and scare her off, she was such a cautious little thing when it came to touch.
He wouldn't want it any other way, it was safe to be wary in both of their positions, especially with how young she was. But it made situations like this a little difficult.
Touya hadn't been held for years. Not since he was Stars age, or maybe even younger. He hadn't realized how much it comforted him to have another person's weight against him until she had started falling asleep on him earlier.
It was nice to be that trusted. He could almost trick himself into believing he was loved.

It was lucky that the movie playing was one he could actually get himself invested in, another rerun of Star Wars. If the kid had insisted on watching another animated movie he may have found himself dwelling within his own mind more than he should.
She seemed to be enjoying it too, occasionally getting up a little more reluctantly than usual to refill Touya's drink whenever it ran dry.
After the fifth time of her silently refilling it, Touya can't help but snort.

"You don't gotta do that, kid. Just settle down."

She seemed almost scared of him the second he spoke, flinching a little before looking a little sheepishly at him, glass in hand.

"Stop fussin'. I'm fine." He says coolly. "Siddown."

She sits right back down without question.
Touya gently takes the glass from her hands, setting it back on the side and giving her what he hopes is a soft look.

"Just relax, will ya, Star?" He sighs. "I'm not mad."

She looks uncertain, but nods a little, sinking back into the place she'd decided she would claim as her own, her soft little cheek smushed up against his arm.
Now, Touya really didn't want to comment on how cuddly she'd been being since making him sick, but a little part of him was nagging at him to address it.
He wanted to be selfish, and carry on letting the weight of her body leaning against his continue to ground him, but he wanted to make sure she wasn't just doing that because she thought he was mad, too.
After all, he knew she would never admit to it of her own free will.

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