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"Put your seatbelt on." Dabi says simply.

You pull the seatbelt across your body, clipping it in and kicking your feet slightly while you wait for Dabi to collect himself enough to start driving.
When you'd asked him how he'd learned to drive he was a little avoidant about the issue, especially when you asked him what he was talking about wires for, but he drove slower than Spinner, so you decided it didn't matter how he learned too much.

When you see him move to connect his phone to the car you speak up again.

"Not the shouty music please."

Dabi blinks at you, rolling his eyes soon after and relenting.

"Alright, princess. Kyray Pamyu Pamyu it is." Dabi replies sarcastically.

"What's that?" You ask curiously.

Dabi stares at you dumbfounded for a minute before smirking and giving a single dry laugh.

"Can't kid a kidder, Starshine. I ain't that old." He scoffs, throwing his phone into the center console and starting the car.

"Oh. Okay." You reply, a little confused.

You look out of the window as he begins to drive, watching the giant building that you had been in earlier as you pass it.
You still felt bad for making Hakuchō sick, even though she said it was okay.
She even said you could be strong one day. The thought's enough to make your cheeks burn from the compliment she gave of your quirk that you still weren't used to receiving praise or compliments on yet.

"So, aside from makin' her sick, did ya get on with her?" Dabi asks as if he can read your mind, glancing over at you.

"She was okay." You reply absentmindedly.

Dabi snorts. "Tha's good I guess. Wars don't break out 'cause someone's 'okay'."

There's a short silence, the radio playing just loud enough to fill it comfortably.

"She say anythin' interesting, hon?" Dabi asks, reaching to stroke your cheek softly.

"Um, not really." You frown slightly as you try to recollect anything that could be interesting. "I think she kisses boys."

"Fascinating, Star." Dabi says, the sarcasm rich in his voice.

"Oh, and Hawks like likes you." You remember.

"What- really?" Dabi chokes a little. "I just thought he was tryin' to sleaze his way in."

"Mhm, that's what Hakuchō said. But I said 'Mura wouldn't like it."

"You told her about that huh?" Dabi muses, leaning his face on his fist while he drives.

"He wouldn't." You state factually. "Oh, Hakuchō said you can speak sign language, like for deaf people."

Dabi's lips pull into a thin line. "Mhm."

"How come?" You ask. "Did you know someone deaf?"

Dabi takes a deep breath. "Star, y'know how I struggle to speak properly?"

"You do?" You blink.

You had noticed that he struggled to pronounce 's' words sometimes, but that was about it. You assumed that was because of his stitched tongue, too.
Sometimes his voice was super gravelly after he'd worked all night, too, but you assumed he was just tired and didn't want to talk much.

"When I had these done, couldn't talk for a long while. Hadta learn how to sign." Dabi explains, gesturing loosely at his face.

"How come you couldn't talk?" You ask curiously.

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