Quirk Training

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You wish you'd never said anything to Dabi about the worksheets being boring.
Now the Japanese textbooks and worksheets he gave you were a little bit more difficult, and a whole lot more boring. Kurogiri had to hang over you even more as you tried working on them.
Spinner would come over and help you with the English worksheets and would bring his own textbooks and dictionaries to help you along. You hated it at first, unable to control yourself from staring at him in awe and blushing furiously whenever he praised you for getting anything right. But you grew fond of it after a while, he was the more patient of the two.
You still struggled alone with the math worksheets, unable to find a person around the bar that was any good at it.

And now, you'd been essentially ordered by Dabi to allow Jin to help you train your quirk.
His original idea had been practicing on animals out on the street but the look of sheer horror on your face had made him instantly retract the idea, only for Shigaraki to butt in, calling Dabi an idiot for not thinking of using Jin's quirk to aid you in learning how to use your power properly.

So now you were staring at a clone of yourself, both of you looking equally startled at each other.
Shigaraki was sitting in on this too, which made you feel even more nervous than if it had just been you and Jin. He was just sat there wordlessly, his limp hair hanging over his face and shielding you from the harsh intensity of his gaze.

"Come on, Star. You gotta touch her." Jin encourages, his hands splaying out over your clone's shoulders. It looks friendly enough, but she panics a little, jolting the second his hands land on her.

"It's weird..." You reply with uncertainty. "If I make her sick, will I get sick?"

"You're going to make me sick?!" The other you squeaks, beginning to wiggle under Jin's touch.

Shigaraki scoffs patronizingly behind you, making your shoulders lift a little in reflex.
You didn't like using your quirk, it made you feel guilty.
You also didn't like that out of all the powers in the world, of all the cool, flashy and glamorous quirks that were out there, you were lumped with one that made people ill.

"You won't get sick, I promise!" Jin replies, trying to keep his voice light despite the fact he was clearly digging his fingers into your clone's shoulders now to stop her from wiggling out of his grasp. "You might die!"

You know to ignore the second comment, but it doesn't make you feel any more reassured.
You decide to swallow your nerves, and reach out for her.
But her reaction is completely unexpected as she begins squealing, and violently wriggling in Jin's grasp.
This seems to push Shigaraki's patience to its limit, his hand flying out and connecting with her throat, Jin yelps, letting go of her. That doesn't even seem to matter as she's only there for a second longer, her scream reaching a higher pitch before her body dissolves into a weird mud-like substance.

Your eyes widen, staring at the puddle of goo on the floor.
Jin seems equally troubled, his body frozen in the position it had been the second he let go of the clone.
Shigaraki lazily points a finger at Jin, his crimson eyes narrowed and his brows pulling closer together.

"Make another one." He says firmly, before turning to scowl directly at you. "This time, don't tell it what you're gonna do. Just do it."

You gulp as Shigaraki skulks past you, leaning against the wall again.
Jin creates a new clone obediently, this one just as surprised as the last one to be staring at its mirror image.
The novelty isn't the same for you this time, though, and so you instantly reach out, laying your palm on your doubles arm, activating your quirk.
This was the first time Jin or Shigaraki had seen you use your quirk. The only people you'd used it around were mom, one of her boyfriends, and Dabi.
You felt a little under pressure to make it look more useful than it probably really was. You weren't stupid, and you'd had enough people mock you for your quirk to know it was nothing special.

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