Needing Company

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You were asleep, curled up around your previously heated plushie when you rouse at the feeling of knuckles faintly brushing over your cheek.
You blink away the haze of sleep blocking your vision with a little frown, squinting at the poorly lit silhouette towering over you in the dark.

"Mura?" You ask sleepily.

"Starlight." You hear a raspy voice greet you in a whisper. "Can I come in too?"

You blink away more sleep, realising that between you and Dabi, there was no space left on the bed.
Dabi was on his back, a mess of limbs and occasional snores ripping through his chest. You were curled up on what remained of the space on the bed, the small duck plushie against your stomach and your teddy nearly hanging off the bed.

You nod, lifting yourself onto your elbow and gently poking Dabi's ribs.
He frowns and grumbles in his sleep, turning his head away from you, usually a good indicator that he's awake enough to half-listen to any requests you might make.

"You gotta move." You whisper, shaking his arm.

Dabi grumbles again, rolling onto his side to try and get away from you.
You budge up too, pressing your back against Dabi's to try and make enough room for Tomura to get in the bed too, too tired to question why he was even trying to get in the bed with you both, or if he was even wearing his gloves at this point.

"Thanks." Tomura grunts, lifting the blankets to get under them alongside you.

You yawn, cuddling your teddy close and continuing to blink in the dark, just about being able to figure out Tomuras features in the unlit room. You can just about tell that his eyes are open too, and that he's staring at the ceiling wordlessly.
Then you process what had just happened.

"Tomura?" You ask quietly.

He hums a response to you, red eyes faintly moving to look down at you in the dark.

"Why are you in our bed?" You ask.

"It's too quiet in my room." He replies casually.

The answer to your question doesn't make much sense to you, you need the quiet to sleep usually.
Also, you had heard Tomura hiss at people to shut up numerous times, including you before he had warmed up to you.

"I thought you liked the quiet." You muse aloud.

"Not always." Is the simple answer back.

You 'hm' thoughtfully, nuzzling your cheek against the pillow under your head a couple times.
His eyes seemed to be back on the ceiling, and he doesn't move an inch beyond breathing, just lying there like a statue.

"Dabi snores when he's on his back." You inform him to fill the empty space between you both. "And he says I sleep talk sometimes. But he definitely sleep talks 'cause I hear him speaking."

It's never like he says much coherent stuff, granted.
Usually just: 'don't, stop, geddoff, watch me, mom, 'Yumi and Nats', but it did mean your room was the opposite of quiet at night.

Tomura huffs in amusement, and you can just about catch the corner of his mouth turning upwards slightly.

"Get to sleep, brat." He replies with no real venom in his voice, the smirk still sitting on his face.

"Can I move closer?" You ask, Dabi's back is a little too warm against yours to be comfortable.

"Sure." Tomura grunts in response.

You shuffle a little closer to him and further from Dabi. You even bravely press your forehead against Tomuras upper arm, using the coolness of his body to even your body temperature out again.
Dabi really did run hot at night, after all.

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