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You and Dabi had been playing Uno with Uncle Jin, Spinner and Himiko when it happened, the sound of crutches hitting the floor drawing your attention away while Toga drew another card.
You freeze when you spot a large man hopping into the room on his crutches. You don't recognise him. His hair is long and white, he looks strong, stronger than Uncle Jin, and you can't see his face clearly because his hair's hanging over his face.
You immediately grab Dabi's sleeve, preventing him from taking his turn.

He looks over at the intruder too, but his lips pull up instead of down.

"Boss." He greets, a fondness that you rarely saw in his eyes as he looks towards the snow-haired man.

"Tomura!" Himiko calls happily. "I'm about to win, and then you can play, too!"

"That's not 'Mura..." You mumble to yourself, feeling your heart begin to lose track of its beating.

Dabi looks over at you worriedly as you scoot closer and closer to him the closer Tomura gets. Now you could see his face, it looked like Tomura, this person had all the broken skin around their eyes like him, and the asymmetrical scars on his eye and mouth were the same too.
But he was missing fingers, his hand adorned with a metal casing you'd never seen before, and his arm was scarred purple up it, not too dissimilar to Dabi's. And he was so much bigger.
And that scared you.

"He looks a little different, but it's still Tomura." Dabi tells you quietly. "Ya don't needta be scared."

"He's big..." You whisper as Tomura gets close enough to be able to hear you if you speak any louder. "I don't like it..."

Dabi sighs, playing his move before placing his free hand on the side of your head, holding your head to his chest as Tomura seems to sense your nerves and sits on a chair opposite, next to Himiko.

"Welcome back." Spinner grins. "How's the leg?"

"Glad you're finally better, Shigaraki!" Jin sticks his thumb up before growling: "You were gone for so long! I healed both arms in the time it took you to get outta Docs!"

"I've had worse." Tomura replies with a nearly non-existent smile, his eyes scanning over everyone around the table before they land on you. "Hello, Starlight."

"Hello." You reply in a small voice, clinging to Dabi's arm.

Tomuras eyes flicker to Dabi for a mere moment before he leans back in his chair, folding his arms over his chest and peering at Himikos remaining cards.

"Your turn, Starshine." Dabi reminds you, nudging you gently in the ribs.

You manage to peel your eyes away from Tomura for long enough to pick a card and put it down on the pile on the table.
The second you do, you're staring at him warily again.
You don't really know why you're so scared. It's Tomura, and you know he had been there to help you when the bad people took you.
He'd also never laid a finger on you, even if he threatened to all that time ago.
Not like moms boyfriends had, which was the reason you were so nervous of larger men.

"Ha! Reverse!" Himiko exclaims after Spinner makes his turn. "Aaand, uno!"

"Damn." Spinner huffs, drawing another card.

You put down another card, leaning on Dabi, who grumbles as he has to draw another card too.
Tomura meets your eyes again as you continue to stare at him, and you look away quickly as though you'd been caught doing something bad.

"Quit starin', doll. It's rude, remember?" Dabi whispers.

"He's different." You whisper back.

Himiko makes a loud noise of glee as Jin puts down a special card and calls out a random colour in a panic.

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