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When you begin to wake, you're aware of a lot of noise.
The voice yelling is familiar, but you fear you're still half asleep, because in real life, he's gone, and you want to desperately cling to what you had left of him.
You stir a little, tightening your arms around whoever's holding you's neck.
You hoped it was Giran. You needed the comfort of the older man when you woke. You loved the others, but they weren't as soft and as loving with you as Uncle Giran. You knew he'd be just as sad as you too, if he'd found out about Dabi.

In an act of desperation to continue hearing Dabi's voice, even if he was yelling, you keep your eyes closed.
When you readjust yourself, you become conscious of the other voices falling silent, despite Dabi's voice continuing to yell.

"She's waking up." You hear someone that sounds a little like Spinner say, their voice hushed.

No you weren't. No you weren't.
(You were.)
You didn't want to wake up and face the world alone again.
Sure, you were surrounded by the others. You could hear them. One of them was even holding you. But you didn't want them, you wanted Dabi.

"Go outside." You hear the familiar angry hiss from Shigaraki.

"Outside?" You hear Dabi scoff. "I'm bein' plastered on the fuckin' news as a fuckin' paedophile!"

"Dabi." You hear the voice of the person holding you rumble through their chest. It sounds like a warning.

You dont understand why they would interact with Dabi's voice if you were waking up, because they shouldn't be able to hear it.
You know better to get your hopes up though, squeezing your eyes shut tighter and hoping it's just a very realistic dream.

"Fuckin' stole a kid for you- an' now they're claiming we got a fuckin' ring!" Dabi's voice continues to exclaim, and you wonder if the heat rising around you is your imagination too.

"Of course they're lying." Shigaraki hisses back. "Go outside. You're waking her up."

There's huffs, and the sound of sneakers squeaking against the floor, as well as angry grunts.
The person holding you begins petting your hair, 'shh'-ing you despite not having made a sound. You stir a little more, finding a little comfort in having your hair stroked.

"Star." You hear Shigaraki's voice call.

You shake your head, gripping onto whoever's holding you a little tighter.
The person below you sighs, leaning their head on yours.

"Leave her alone." You hear Jin say quietly by your ear.

"Jin..." You mumble, a little sleepily, your face crumpling against his chest.

"Oh sweetheart." You hear Magne say, another hand moving to rub your back.

"It's okay." Jin tries to soothe. "I'm lyin', everything is terrible."

"Jin!" You hear Toga snap just as you begin sobbing fully, fat tears rolling down your cheeks, soaking through Jin's suit.

"You know he can't help it." Magne sighs, continuing to rub your back.

"Star." Shigaraki calls again, sounding a little more irritated.

You move your face away from Jin's chest, sobbing still.
You rub your face with your pyjama sleeves, not wanting to cry in front of them anymore.
It doesn't make any difference though, as you still struggle to collect yourself.

"Go away." You sob, your breathing ragged. You didn't want to talk to Shigaraki right now.

You hear him take a breath, as if to calm himself down.
You realise Jin's taken his mask off, revealing his mass of blonde hair, forehead scar and pitch black eyes as he looks sadly at you.

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