Stressed Out

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Tomura and Dabi were arguing.
Well, they weren't yelling like mom and her boyfriends used to, but there were definitely snarky comments being made toward each other, and the tension in the air between them both was weighty.
It was making you anxious. An anxiety that you hadn't had for quite some time and weren't too fond of its reappearance.

Unfortunately, your anxiety didn't seem to be helping matters either. You were clinging to Dabi whenever Tomura wasn't around, and trying your hardest to appease Tomura when Dabi wasn't around. Even to the point of asking to do extra math even though you hated it, because in your head, doing math well with Tomura made him happy.
Dabi was getting a little reluctant to hold and be held, and Tomura was trying to get you to stop doing math with him and instead focus on English with Spinner or Japanese with Jin or Atsuhiro.

So you were clinging to your teddy at all times, sucking the ear like you so often did when you were worried. You didn't even care that it made you look like a baby. You needed something grounding, something to soothe you, and your teddy provided that when Dabi couldn't.

Himiko was trying to play cards with you and Uncle Jin, trying to distract you from the hushed argument between Dabi and Tomura at the bar.
Kurogiri had been gone for a while, and that's when all the tension had started. Everyone else seemed a little tetchy, too, but weren't being quite as argumentative as those two.
Their voices were mere hisses, but you did keep picking up on the odd sentences here and there.

'She needs a...', 'She's eleven', 'Her clothes are too tight for her', 'she's not fuckin' havin' one'.

You definitely didn't like that whatever this argument was about, it had to do with you.
Himiko and Jin gradually get louder and louder, trying to drown Tomura and Dabi as their argument slowly grows more and more heated.
Eventually Tomura growls under his breath and spins around in his seat, his red eyes narrowed and angry.


You curl into your teddy a little more, holding it closer to yourself. Uncle Jin senses your distress at being called out for and wraps an arm protectively around your shoulders.

"Do you want some new clothes?" Tomura asks.

You hadn't expected that. They were arguing about clothes?
You glance at Dabi to gauge what your answer should be, but he's shooting daggers into the side of Tomura's head. You take that as a sign to say no, but Tomura holds his hand up to silence you before you can even get any words to leave you.

"Ignore him. Do you want some new clothes?"

You hadn't really thought about it. The clothes you'd been given by Uncle Giran and Himiko were admittedly becoming a little uncomfortable to wear.
Your clothes had been getting tighter and tighter, especially around your chest and the sleeves were riding up quite high these days, too.

You nod, feeling a little nervous for Dabi's reaction.
Himiko squeals gleefully, throwing her cards on the table.

"I wanna go!" She announces, leaning over the table to look at Tomura.

"You can go and help Star pick out some new clothes." Tomura agrees, throwing a card through the air that Himiko catches easily. "There. Problem solved."

Himiko turns her attention to you, her little fangs exposed in her excited grin.

"We can get some cute skirts, some shoes, maybe even a bra!" She giggles, giving you a once over with her feline eyes.

"She's not havin' a fuckin' bra." Dabi snaps.

You cower a little. He'd lost his temper and cursed without even apologising immediately afterwards and telling you not to repeat what he said.

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