Stat Farming

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"I don't know..." You murmur unconfidently.

After allowing you to play on his handheld console for the majority of the evening yesterday, and for most of the afternoon, Shigaraki was now holding true to his request to do some quirk training with you today while Dabi was out with Atsuhiro.
Spinner was alongside him, standing a short distance away in the courtyard, his arms crossed as he waited to be instructed to do something.

Shigaraki wanted you to use your quirk on him. Something you weren't entirely comfortable with doing, knowing how sick it can make people, and not wanting to upset him or Dabi by extension. You wished Jin was back home so that he could make some more clones for you to train with instead. Even after your last training session with Shigaraki a month or so ago, you felt guilty whenever you even thought about your quirk and how it made people feel whenever you used it.

"It'll be fine." Shigaraki replies nonchalantly.

You were used to having your quirk spoken down upon, used to being told it was useless and you believed and understood that. But you weren't used to being told to use it, and you especially weren't used to people being completely unbothered by the idea that it would knock them sick.

"I don't want to make you sick." You continue to murmur, looking shyly at Spinner for a second before dropping your eyes to your hands, which were playing with the hem of your sweater.

"You know how to turn it off." Shigaraki replies. "Quickly activate and deactivate it. I want to see if you remember how to do it."

You fiddle with your sweater some more before sighing, taking a deep breath and trying to straighten your stance in faux confidence.

"Okay." You agree, reaching to touch his forearm.

You activate your quirk the second that your hand lays on his arm. It looked as though he had gained a little more weight recently, your hand not wrapping around his limb like it had before.
To your surprise, Shigaraki doesn't seem too affected. His eyes dilate ever so slightly, and his cracked lips turn upwards ever so slightly, but he doesn't sway, doesn't pale, and doesn't seem sick in the slightest.
Your eyebrows furrow in confusion, and you tighten your grip on his forearm, making him give a small giggle that you scarcely heard from him before.

"Impressive." He says simply.

"But you're not sick." You argue, activating your quirk a second time like you had when training with your clone last time.

This gets a reaction out of him, his eyes widening and his body swaying ever so slightly. You feel a little more accomplished before realising you'd deliberately made Dabi's boss and boyfriend more sick on purpose.
You quickly deactivate your quirk, apologising hurriedly.

Spinner seems to be ready to catch Shigaraki if needed, his own eyes wide and slightly concerned.
Shigaraki rights himself almost straight away, a gleam of amusement in his ruby eyes.

"That's a cool quirk." He praises.

You'd never heard that before.
You stare at him in shocked silence, your eyes wide and your arm slowly dropping down to your side again.
You'd never been told your quirk was cool before, and you weren't entirely sure you believed it. It wasn't cool like Dabi's fire, or useful like Jin's 'double' quirk.
But Shigaraki never lied. He was always honest, almost brutally so. So you couldn't help but feel a little prideful with yourself for the first time in your short life.

"I'm used to feeling unwell." Shigaraki explains, dropping to a crouch like Dabi does whenever he needs to tell you something important. "It was part of my training when I was younger."

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