But Who's It Hurting?

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You wake up and shortly give a groan of pain, your stomach still hurting and no Dabi beside you like he had been last night to warm your heatable plushie up again.
You stretch, yawning and slowly peeling yourself out of bed, bringing the smaller duck toy with you.

You pad sleepily over to Dabi's room, holding your ducky in your hand loosely with the full intention of asking him to warm it up for you again.
You knock on his door like he'd taught you to do, wincing when your tummy cramps up again. When he doesn't respond right away, you knock again, a little more firmly.
He was a heavy sleeper after all.

"Pawpaw!" You call through the door, getting frustrated.

He doesn't reply though, so you slowly open the door, peering around it to see that his room is empty.
You frown in confusion at first, because Dabi never left for work early. Especially without saying goodbye to you first, even if you're still half asleep when he kisses your head.
But when you spot the additional pictures on the wall that have been added since you last went in Dabi's room, you pause as you realise they were the ones you drew for Tomura while he was in the hospital.
Cautiously, you look behind you to make sure you're alone before sneaking into the room to see the drawings all together.

You knew Tomura hadn't been able to go to this room yet because of his leg, so that meant he must have asked Dabi to hang them up for him.
That makes your heart soar with pride, and you admire all the pictures you'd drawn for the two of them as they hang on the wall.
Once you have your moment of feeling treasured for once, you look around the room for a sign of where he may have gone. His jacket hangs on the back of an office chair, and when you put your hand in the pocket, his cigarettes are there. So he hasn't gone for a smoke.

But he doesn't ever go far without his cigarettes, so you know he's at least inside somewhere.
The bathroom door is open, so he's not in there, and you plod downstairs, going to try to find Tomura instead.
When you approach the room that Tomura has been sleeping in while his leg's in a cast, you can hear low male voices talking, their voices a deep hum through the walls.
You walk closer to the door of that room quietly, a habit you were yet to grow out of, as you try to listen to see if they are arguing.

"You said... Did you mean it?" You hear Tomura ask.

"Yeah." Is the immediate response from Dabi, and then you hear a choked noise leave him which is then followed by a gravelly, dramatic groan.

Tomura gives one of his amused huffs from behind the door, and Dabi snaps at him for finding whatever Dabi had done behind the door, out of your sight, funny.

"You'll have to wait it out." Tomura says simply.

You move a little closer. You wonder what they were talking about.
Wait what out?

"This sucks. It's embarrassing." You hear Dabi mumble, his words barely audible. "Every time I try it just won't fuckin' come out, it just gets caught in my throat like I'm choking."

"Try again. What colour is the sky?" Tomura asks him.

There's a few choked noises from Dabi, and Tomura hums in response after a while.

"A quirk like that would have been very useful for us to have, you know." Tomura comments judgementally.

"Oh shut it. Like I'd just let him beat on Toga for a chance of gettin' a quirk." Dabi replies in a disapproving hiss.

Then they both go quiet, which makes you nervous because that was a bit sassy for Dabi to say to Tomura. You would never ever say 'shut it' to him.
You want to know what's embarrassing, and why Dabi was choking, so you slowly sneak to the door and peer through the small gap.
You scrunch your nose up when you see them both laying next to each other on the couch, kissing. But it's also a relief after Dabi being rude to him and how you'd been worried that they didn't love each other anymore after noticing that they had stopped kissing in secret.

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