Dumb Kid

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Hakuchō didn't talk to you, or anyone else, for a week.
Even Zero, who was staying by her side no matter what, couldn't seem to get anything out of her. If he tried, she'd only nod, shake her head, or scowl at him. A lot of the time they were both in her room, because she didn't want to come and see everyone.
That's what Tomura said, anyway.
You were trying to be kind and patient about it, even though you really missed your Uncle Zero, and wanted to spend time with him too.

You also weren't really used to having kids your age around, and so you wanted to take advantage of it, especially now she was in your space this time, so you could be a little more comfortable, knowing that everyone would fight for you if you needed it. And you had your quirk back, so you could even put up a decent fight again yourself if it came to it.

But she wouldn't let you. Any attempt to talk to her was met with ignorance, a blank stare or sometimes, if you caught her in a particularly bad mood, a scowl.
So you took the hint and stayed away when she was in a communal area, only gazing at her from afar, usually using one of the others as some kind of human shield if you could sense her mood was bad.

When she started giving bland, one word answers, you started trying to talk to her again, greeting her whenever she was nearby. Sometimes she replied, sometimes she didn't.
She didn't really reply when you followed it up with 'how are you?', and when she did, it was usually sarcastic or a little snippy.
You could tell Dabi wasn't too happy with her being in the mansion along with the rest of you, especially when Tomura popped out for a couple of hours and left her with everyone else. He was either ignoring her, or glaring at her too, even though you'd spoken to him and told him you'd forgiven her.

Apparently, he liked to hold a grudge, especially when it came to family.
When you asked if that was why he'd killed his dad, he had pulled on one of your ears playfully and told you your ears were too small for 'all'a that'.
You'd huffed, but let it go.
You were easily distracted by the cut up fruits that Spinner had put in front of you, anyway.

You were done with your English lesson with Spinner, and had been through some hard sums with Tomura before he had disappeared off, asking you a weird question about what kind of metal Dabi wore in his piercings before leaving.
Dabi was still a little sleepy because of the medicine he had to take because of the fight he'd been in. Good medicine, though, he assured you, not bad medicine. So it was better to leave him alone while he was resting.

Spinner had gone off with Toga and Jin to go and see Atsuhiro, because he was still in hospital, and when you had asked if you could go too, it was met with grimaces and gentle reassurances that when he was better, you could see him.
Which left you with Kurogiri, Zero and Hakuchō.
And it was nice having Kurogiri back, he was trying hard to try to teach Zero how to be better at cooking when he was able to drag Hakuchō downstairs for long enough to help Kurogiri here and there, but he wasn't really much for conversation, just kind of standing there, waiting for someone to talk to him first.

So you make your way up to Hakuchō's room, knocking on the door and then peering around the door when Zero calls out 'yes?' as a response for her.

"Hello." You say shyly.

Zero's smile grows a little more at the sight of you. "Hi, Star. Is everything okay?"

"I'm bored. Can I come and sit with you?" You ask.

"Get out." Hakuchō says bluntly from under her covers.

You blink in surprise and then look at Zero as if he was going to save you. He gives you an apologetic look in return.

"Sorry, Star. Hakuchō wants to be alone right now." Zero apologises. "Why don't you go and draw in your room?"

"It's lonely." You reply, disheartened. "I want to sit with you and Hakuchō."

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