The First Meeting

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"Alright. Repeat the rules back to me." Dabi drawls, crouching in front of you so you're eye-to-eye.

You'd woken up tucked into bed, your face buried into teddy's belly.
Dabi seemed in a better mood too, like he was back to his usual teasing self, which was nice. It allowed you to rest a bit more, the worries about him being sick of you already slowly ebbing to the back of your mind again.
It was late afternoon when he ushered you out of the hotel room, telling you that Shigaraki, the  guy he'd had a meeting with, the guy with the 'gross' hand, wanted to meet you.

You were now standing in an alleyway, a little anxious, and having had Dabi reel off a lot of information at you all at once.

"No giving out your real name, no following strangers, no sleeping alone, behave and no swearing." You reply, with the most confidence you'd ever recited anything before.

He blinks, surprised at the fact you'd remembered all of that. He cracks a grin at you, his eyes glittering.

"Good memory, kid. But I'm talkin' about the Shigaraki-specific rules." He says, cocking his head. "Ya been listenin'? It's important."

You think over the things he'd mentioned, trying to remember each bit of information he'd given you.

"Um, don't stare..." You start off with, and Dabi nods a little. "Don't ask too many questions, don't be rude, don't touch anything..."

Dabi continues nodding with each rule. There were a lot of rules, and it was making you even more anxious.

"And don't, ever, ever, ever, touch his hands." You state finally, making sure to say it with the same firmness that Dabi had.

He gives a final nod, a soft smirk and ruffles your hair playfully before standing to his full height again, gently pulling a few stray strands of your hair attached to his sutures off of him.

"Attagirl. Now, when you see him, you're gonna wanna stare, but you can't. 'Kay?"

He eyes you cautiously as he taps on his phone.

You wonder to yourself what could possibly be so weird about Shigaraki that he has to really drill in the fact you can't stare at him.
You hadn't stared at Dabi, after all, and you appreciated that most people did stare at him when you were in public.

"I won't." You promise again.

"Good girl." Dabi praises, rubbing his thumb against your cheek a couple times.

Soon, a gust of wind blows your hair into your vision, only revealing one of those black portal-like things again when you move your hair out of your eyes.
Dabi looks over at it lazily before looking down at you.

"Want me to go first?" He asks.

The question highlights the fact that maybe you should be more worried about this weird wormhole that manifests whenever Dabi goes off to see this Shigaraki person. The only reason you hadn't thought of it before Dabi asked if you wanted him to step through first is because he seemed so casual when he'd appeared through it in Girans office.
Maybe it wasn't the abyss that you needed to be worried about, and it was being left alone in Shigaraki's office for a second or two without Dabi that you needed to worry about.

It's amazing how such a simple question makes you spiral so quickly.

"Can we go through together?" You ask, a little nervously.

Dabi looks over the portal again, his expression still as bored and as stoic as ever. He shrugs lazily.

"Don' see why not." He replies.

He seems to be waiting for you to make the first move, and a little reluctantly, you hold your hand out, your face burning and your eyes refusing to meet his.
You hear a slight snicker come from him, but he seems to catch himself, his warm hand enveloping your own in his easily.
He gently tugs you along as you refuse to look at him or the swirling black mass, giving your hand a slight squeeze as you step into the black mass, your vision blacking out for a brief moment, and a coldness enveloping you, before you realize when your vision returns that you're in a completely new place.

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