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Touya was stressed enough before getting warped without any kind of pre-warning whatsoever. He was running late to go and collect Star from Giran's, and for some ungodly reason, there was an unsettled feeling deep in his stomach that he just couldn't seem to shake.
Johnny's quirk transporting him to a completely different area than where he had been was not helping the sick feeling that was gradually soaking in his bones.
Giran hadn't called. Giran always called to let him know how she was doing, even if Touya snapped at him and told him he was busy.

Giran was used to Touya snapping, having looked after him from time to time while he was navigating the streets in his youth. He always ignored it, knowing there was never any real malice behind it.

So, fairly or unfairly, Touya was a little irritable when he realised that he was overlooking a city with the rest of the League.
Tomura looked rough, dark bags under his eyes that only highlight how little he'd slept for the three weeks he'd been away fighting a losing battle, and he was pale, his skin almost tinted green as though he was going to throw up any time soon.
Sure, his body was looking healthier than when he was all skin and bones, he certainly didn't seem to be looking any better for it.

"Nice to see ya." Dabi sneers, his irritation at everything as well as Tomura's abandonment coming through in those four words.

Tomura seems unphased by both Touya and his tone, choosing to ignore him as crimson eyes scan over the town in front of them.

"So these people have taken Giran... How long until the giant wakes up?"

"An hour and a half." Mister Compress replies, checking a pocket watch that Touya can't remember him owning before.

"Wait, what?" Touya asks, his scowl deepening as the others descend towards the town ahead. "What?"

"Received a phone call from Girans' phone from someone calling themselves Re-Destro." Tomura replies as he trudges downhill, his voice even raspier than usual and thick with amused judgement. "They call themselves the Meta Liberation Army. They consider our name 'too big' to share the same ultimate goal with."

"They wanna fight!" Toga chimes excitedly.

"They took Giran!" Jin chimes in, sounding heartbroken. "It's all our fault! He shoulda been less cocky!"

"Giran?" Touya practically squeaks, feeling the colour drain slowly from his face.

The others don't seem to pick up on the clear problem with them all being together and in one place, missing the small presence that followed along with them.

"So none of ya are wonderin' where Star's at?" He finds himself asking, a lot more aggressively than he'd intended.

The reaction from the others is immediate, all of them freezing in place, Jin's hands flying to his head in horror and even Tomura has a dark look cross his face before turning to face Touya properly for the first time since seeing him after weeks apart.

"Sorry for not realising sooner, I've been distracted." Tomura apologises, swaying a little on his feet. "We'll get her back by any means necessary."

He moves his arm in a vague gesture for the others to continue closing in on the town before them. Tomura said the right things, sure, but it still left a bad taste in Touya's mouth that he'd forgotten about the little girl that Touya had rather foolishly assumed that Tomura had started taking a liking to.
Touya had been finding them cuddled up together at times playing games and half-woken up to the sound of her chatting to him during the sleepless nights the two had in common.
That was before the appearance of Gigantomachia, of course. Before they had to move again, and before Tomura disappeared with the others to try and tame the huge man.

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