Ugly Truths

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It must have been pretty early or late at night when you woke up, because it was still pretty dark in the room.
You'd woken up because there seemed to be a consistent amount of sirens passing outside, as well as the odd collective yell, arguments and banging from outside.

In your worry that maybe something worrying was happening nearby, you slide out of bed, although it's a struggle with the heavy, warm blanket draped over you.

You can hear the muffled sound of voices coming from downstairs so you follow it, your feet padding softly down the stairs.
You head to the living area where the voices are coming from, vaguely registering that the TV is on, and that Uncle Giran has fallen asleep on the couch. You nudge his arm a little bit to try to gently wake him up.

"Uncle Giran, there's sirens..." You tell him as you nudge his arm, but he's fast asleep still.

His head is hanging back, his mouth open but no noises come out of him and his arms are crossed over his chest.
There was something eerie and familiar about the sight of it.

"Uncle Giran, I'm scared." You nudge him more urgently. "Wake up please."

Wake up mommy, please? You're scaring me.

You whimper, climbing onto the sofa and glancing at the TV.

Blue flames. Blue familiar flames were on the TV screen, licking at buildings and police, heroes and other emergency service people alike.
You look for a sign of Dabi, a sign that he was okay and that his quirk hasn't hurt him any more than he already was before leaving you with Uncle Giran.

You couldn't hear the sounds of the yelling from the TV, instead having to listen to the newscasters voice instead.

'This is the scene left behind today after Touya Todoroki, under the villain alias 'Dabi' fought his father, and loved and respected number one hero, Endeavor.'

A video flashes up of Dabi leaping at the large, scary man who had told you he was Dabi's dad, completely aflame.
Entranced by the TV despite knowing you weren't meant to be seeing this, and suitably scared, you grab Giran's sleeve with the full intention of shaking his arm again until you see the Dabi on the screen suddenly seem to multiply and begin running at the real Dabi and Endeavor.

Uncle Jin's clones.

The amount of blue flames being shown on the screen light up the room in a soft blue hue that doesn't match the terror on screen.

'Unfortunately, due to the sheer scale of the attack this afternoon, no-one was available or able to try to extract Endeavor from the flames. He was pronounced dead this evening, but medics on scene have been unable to recover the body.'

Your throat feels thick and your stomach churns uncomfortably, and you shake Uncle Girans arm again, your eyes unable to be torn from the screen as you watch the drone footage being shown of Dabi standing over the censored body of Endeavor burning.
Your pawpaw seems to be screaming with blood trickling down his scarred face.

You manage to tear your eyes away at this point, shaking Uncle Giran a lot more harshly, actually managing to wake the older man up this time.
He splitters in confusion for a second, rubbing his eyes under his glasses and frowning.

"Star honey, s' bedtime." He slurs sleepily.

"Dabi's upset!" You exclaim, pointing at the TV.

Giran blinks a couple of times, seeming to take a second to focus on what was being said and shown on the television screen before finally realising what has happened.

"Oh shit." He hisses.

He quickly holds your face to his chest as he changes the channel, but you wiggle in his grip.

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