Becoming Home

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Ever since moving into the rooms above the bar, you'd never been alone.
Even when Dabi disappeared alone, with Shigaraki, and sometimes even one of the other workers Shigaraki had hired since you both had moved in, you were always left with Kurogiri, helping him do little jobs. Sometimes Dabi would silently hand you a worksheet to keep you busy while he was away, and Kurogiri would help you out where you needed it. You were okay with Japanese, but did struggle a bit with English and math.
You'd help Kurogiri clean, and sometimes he let you help him cook, too. You weren't allowed to handle anything sharp, but you were allowed to mix things and break the eggs and add seasoning. You really enjoyed your time with him.
Since moving into Shigaraki's bar, you'd met a funny man who wore a really tight full body latex suit, who had been introduced to you as 'Twice', but he was insistent that you call him Jin.

He always made you giggle, because he'd say one thing, and then another deeper voice would leave him and say something completely opposite to what he'd said before.
At first you'd been a little nervous of him because he was strong looking and taller than Dabi, but it didn't take too long for you to realize you didn't need to be scared of him at all. He was silly, and liked to talk to you about Giran, as well as trying to make you laugh with silly jokes.
Dabi would shoot him the odd glare whenever a curse word would slip past his lips, but it always made you laugh, and that seemed to ease Dabi's mood with him, even if it was only a little bit.

Sometimes when Jin came to the bar, he'd sit with you in one of the booths and try to teach you how to play card games. You weren't very good at poker, there were too many rules, but you liked bluff, and go fish.
Sometimes, the other person who now lived above the bar with you, Shigaraki and Dabi, joined in too.
Her name was Toga, and she was a little scary too. She was a little older than you and had sharp teeth like a cat, and her eyes were a sharp yellow that made everything she did seem a little threatening. She had been nothing but friendly and almost a little too adoring of you, but you were still a little nervous of her. More so than you were Jin, but less nervous than you were of Shigaraki.

Toga liked to give you clothes, but you have no idea how she managed to get so much of them. They always still had tags on them as though she'd brought them for you, and it made you feel really guilty. You'd even tried to stop accepting them from her at one point, but that made her more upset than she seemed to be when you did take her gifts, so you just gave in, even when she brought you a matching outfit to what she wore most of the time.
Sometimes when Dabi went off at night to work, and you were left with no-one but Kurogiri and Toga, she'd play make-over with you, where she'd put makeup on you and try to style your hair. She'd always swoon about how cute you were as though you were one of those pageant kids from TV and she was the mom that had forced you into taking part.

Dabi didn't seem to like how she'd dress you up like some kind of doll whenever he was away, so you tended to be taken to Giran again when he needed to go out and work.
Sometimes Jin would be there, although without the full-body suit, you hadn't recognised him at first. He'd almost scared you off before Dabi had lazily greeted him as 'Twice'.
He was blonde, strong like you knew he would be, and he looked tired, with a long scar running down his forehead. But he was Jin! And you liked Jin a lot.
He would sit and watch you draw, making funny contradictory statements about what it was you were doing. Whenever his deeper voice insulted what you had done he'd apologize profusely, but he didn't need to, you knew that you could happily ignore whatever the deep voice said.

One of the days you'd drawn a little version of him smoking, and he'd clutched it in his hand with sheer adoration in his eyes the whole remainder of the time you were left at Girans, you could even see him staring at it as he smoked at the bottom of the stairs, abiding by Dabi's rules of not smoking around you unlike Giran did.
You were beginning to feel comfortable and happy in your new living space, as long as Shigaraki wasn't around.
You tended to avoid each other for the most part, it was probably better off that way as Dabi didn't seem to like it when you two were too close to each other. You'd feel his eyes on you even across the room, as if the look alone was warning you silently to move away.

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