Tell Me Everything

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By the time you're dressed up in Aiko's old clothes again, and your teeth are brushed properly for the first time since you'd been taken away, Dabi's already lying on top of the sheets in his sweatpants and shirt, scrolling through his phone with your ducky plush on his chest.
You're admittedly a little heartbroken that you didn't win the race, so your hug and goodnight kiss with Uncle Giran is a little more subdued than it would have been otherwise.

"Love ya, darlin'." Uncle Giran says, patting your head as he stands. "Sleep tight."

"Love you grandpaw." You say, rushing over to the bed to get close to Dabi again.

"Night, son." Giran calls to Dabi from the hallway.

"G'night." Dabi grunts back as you press your face into his side quickly.

He wraps an arm around you easily, dropping a kiss to the top of your head. He even turns his phone off and places it on the table beside the bed so he can give you his full attention.

"Ya sleepy?" He asks quietly.

You shake your head, running your fingers over the line of staples on his torso to see if there were more staples there, too.

"Wanna tell me what you'd talk to me in your head about?" He asks gently, his fingers carding through your hair as gently as possible.

"Just about things that were happening." You reply quietly, taking your duck from his chest. "Like how the tube works. And then about how Hawks was kind of mean but that I was trying to be bad so he'd get rid of me... how much I missed you, and everyone else. Sometimes I'd pretend to talk to Tomura about Legend of Zelda and make up shrine puzzles too."

You pause when you think about how you'd been bad, your mind going back to Endeavor, and how pleased Dabi had been when you said that you'd bitten the towering man. You immediately begin to sob when you remember how you'd laid on the Endeavor plushie.

"Hey... come on, honey, don't cry like that." Dabi says, kissing your head again. "We don't hafta talk about it, darlin' girl."

"No, I did something bad." You sob.

"Shh... I told ya already, you weren't bad." Dabi soothes.

You wail and shake your head. "You won't love me anymore."

"Star..." Dabi sighs, tilting your head upward and running his thumbs gently under your eyes. "You're gonna flood these cute lil' bandaids clean off. An' then you're gonna have a loose tube."

"Will not!"

"Will too. People'll start callin' ya Nosewhip like one of those Pokeymons you and 'Mura like so much."

"Pokémon." You correct tearfully.

"Nerd." Dabi snorts.

"Stop!" You whine, pressing your face into his warm palms.

"You're gonna snot on me, dork." He says, but doesn't move away, instead he kisses the top of your head once more. "What did ya do that's gotten you all upset?"

You cry into his hands, only stopping when he gently moves them away to wipe the stream of tears away.

"Hon, ya need to get whatever it is out." Dabi says gently, looking down at you as he strokes your cheek with his thumbs. "I won't get mad at ya, or stop lovin' ya, ever."

He cradles your face between his hands and continues to coast his thumbs back and forth over your cheeks as you try to calm yourself down enough to talk.

"I had a period, and my tummy really, really hurt." You say after a while, still sniffling. "But Hawks wouldn't give me a hot water bottle because I was bad and I hurt them a lot and took my tube out."

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