A Loved Creation

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"And then he said that he wasn't going to play Uno with us ever again, because we're cheating good for nothings." You tell Giran on the way from the car to the front door of the mansion. "Which isn't fair, because it was only Himiko and pa that were cheating."

"Yeah, well, Bubaigawara's always had a flair fer the dramatic, darlin'." Uncle Giran replies, finishing off his secret cigarette before going inside.

"You said that about Dabi, too, but I don't think he's very dramatic at all." You remind him.

"I said what I said, sweet girl." Giran replies, smirking as he stomps out the butt of his cigarette. "You didn't watch yer dad prancin' around on TV."

"He did?" You ask, dumbfounded.

When Giran turns around to do the secret knock on the door, you stare at him, narrowing your eyes in suspicion.

"You're not meant to lie." You tell him.

"Ain't lyin'." He replies, his voice rich with amusement.

You 'hmph', folding your arms over your chest as you wait for someone to open the door for you both.
It takes a moment, but the door does eventually creak open, but no-one comes to greet you like they usually do. Giran heads on in with no fear, pushing the door open to expose the inside of the building, highlighting the fact that no-one seems to have been there to open the door for you both.

You stay outside, refusing to budge from your spot. Someone always came to say hello at the door. Usually it was Zero, what with Dabi and Tomura being so busy with paperwork at the minute, but sometimes Uncle Jin would come out and scoop you up into his arms, or Himiko would come bolting out of the door, give you a big hug and encourage you to join you in whatever she was doing.

"What're ya doin' out there, sweetie?" Giran asks, looking over his round glasses at you.

"No-one's come to say hello." You say, as if you're reminding him that that's the usual routine. "Something's wrong."

Giran raises a grey eyebrow at you. "Someone opened the door, so someone's around. Maybe they're all jus' busy."

You shake your head. "Something's wrong."

He continues to look at you over his glasses, as if he's pondering something, and then he looks over to the side, where the long hallway is that leads to the recreational rooms.
You're expecting him to bolt back out because someone you both don't know is there waiting for you, but instead he grins, exposing his missing tooth.

HImiko comes skipping up to you both, all smiles and fangs, her eyes sparkling like they always do whenever she sees you after you've been away for a little while.

"Star! Come in!" She encourages, grabbing your hand and leading you inside. "I got Cloud a little outfit! He looks soo cute!"

"You did?" You question, allowing her to drag you inside, past Giran, and towards the biggest room downstairs.

You hope to yourself that it's a little bowtie so he can look fancy and fluffy all the time, you'd seen pictures of cats wearing bowties on your phone when Tomura or Dabi allowed you to browse the internet under their supervision.
She drags you all the way over to the room, with Giran a few steps behind you, and throws the door open, revealing everyone sat around on the couches, a few of them sitting on the arms of the seats, aside from Uncle Jin who's eating party food.

You blink, taking in the sight properly. There are balloons, ribbons, and-

"Oh my gosh!" You exclaim when you see Cloud, immediately crouching down as he pads over to you quickly, meowing loudly. "He has a suit!"

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