Everyone's Home

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The bar at the hotel was so loud and cheerful in comparison to how it had been earlier when you'd been left with Kurogiri for a little while.
Jin and Big Sis Himiko were back again, and everyone seemed in high spirits, Kurogiri was making them fancy looking drinks and allowing them to play music loudly.
You knew they were drinking the funny juice that used to make mom and her boyfriends mad because you could smell the scent that used to once serve as a warning for you.

So at first, you cling to Dabi, who was only drinking a beer at the beginning, he seemed to notice your anxiety about the whole gang of them drinking straight away.
He makes sure to rub your arm and back while you hold onto him, curled into his side on one of the big chairs in the bar. He checks on you routinely, his voice a low rumble that only you can hear.
You end up slowly feeling more and more at ease, seeing the others only really seeming more and more giggly and getting more and more cheerful with every new drink, a complete opposite to how your mom would get when she drank.

Even Atsuhiro takes off his balaclava to everyone's amazement, and you can see his face clearly for the first time.
He looks younger than Uncle Jin, with brown messy hair and a warm grin. He looks like he should be an actor on TV and you find yourself blushing and hiding your face in Dabi's side when he addresses you as kindly as usual, trying to pull you into conversations to make you feel more at ease.

Dabi chuckles every time, leaning his heated cheek atop your head and petting your hair lovingly.
You do eventually allow Kurogiri to make you one of the drinks that he'd been making Himiko after a lot of reassurance from everyone that it didn't have funny juice in it.
It's sweet and having something to sip at and distract yourself with eases you into the situation a little more, and you find yourself enjoying looking around and watching them all have excited conversation and singing along to the music playing.
When Shigaraki eventually slides into the booth next to you, even he seems more at ease than usual, his cracked lips pulled up on one side at everyone else's antics.

Kurogiri gives him his usual drink of honey coloured liquid and ice, something Shigaraki thanks him lowly for, his eyes catching yours from the side and his smirk pulling up even more.

"Are you okay, Starlight?" He asks, thumb brushing over your cheek softly.

"Mhm!" You reply. "Kurogiri gave me a fancy drink too!"

"He did?" Shigaraki asks, still smirking. "How is it?"

"Yummy!" You chirp, moving away from Dabi and closer to Shigaraki.

You and Shigaraki are getting on a lot better now. You played games together a lot, and you weren't uncomfortable with being left with him instead of being taken to Uncle Giran anymore. He helped you with your math work and your quirk training without being grumpy, and often gave you more soft and affectionate touches than just fist bumps now.

"Can I try?" He asks, gesturing at your drink.

You bob your head up and down, pushing the drink towards him, earning a small 'attagirl' from Dabi and a kiss on the top of your head.
Shigaraki sips your drink, wincing a little.

"It's sweet." He comments with a nod, pushing it back toward you.

You hum, sipping your drink and returning your attention to the others, half-feeling Dabi reach behind you to touch Shigaraki.
Jin is probably the cheeriest of them all, being playful with Himiko and Dabi in particular, and chatting excitedly with the others.
He's mid conversation with Spinner when a new song comes on and he lets out a loud 'oooh!'
He yells for Kurogiri to turn it up, his second voice snapping to turn the music off. 

When the music turns up he leaps to his feet, catching your eyes and grinning.

"Come dance with me little Star!" He encourages, holding his hand out for you.

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