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You were a little surprised when Giran asked you if you wanted to have a sleepover, but you were so excited to spend the night with the older man, hoping to pick his brain more about art stuff while you could.
You had half assumed that Dabi would come and give you your things for your overnight stay, but it was Shigaraki that arrived instead. You didn't mind too much now that you and Shigaraki were getting on a little bit better, but you wished it was Dabi instead.
He'd sounded a little upset. Like he may have sobbed a little when you told him you loved him, and you'd never ever seen Dabi cry before, so you were a little worried about him.

Shigaraki didn't really talk much. He looked more distant than usual too, so you ended up not pushing the subject of Dabi potentially being upset.
Maybe they'd had a fight.
Mom and her boyfriends used to fight all the time after all, and Shigaraki was a little hard to deal with sometimes, so they tended to snip at each other a lot.
He was acting weird too, asking to pat your head like you were some kind of a dog. You had glanced over at Giran nervously, but he looked kind of unbothered about the whole thing as he started packing up for the night.

Not wanting to be rude to Shigaraki in front of Giran and disrespect him, you'd reluctantly agreed, as long as he promised not to make you rot.
Which was something he had scoffed at, and informed you: "Just because I can doesn't mean I will."
And then he'd pet your hair for the first time ever.
His hand was a lot colder than Dabi's, but his fingers felt a little softer against your scalp. You'd made sure to make an effort to count the number of fingers you could feel on your hair, counting four, minus his pinky.

"Huh." He'd commented, sounding slightly amused, before turning around and leaving through Kurogiri's warp gate without another word.

You'd looked at Giran, confusion written across your features only for him to shake his head and comment on what a strange man he was.

And Dabi ended up being right. Staying at Girans was fun, and he did spoil you.
You were getting a little more used to being spoiled thanks to Dabi and the others, who are always willing to play with you and talk to you unlike mom ever was. But Giran was even more fun than that, showering you in his undivided attention while you were in his home.
You had cooked dinner together, which was fun. You had helped to cut up the veggies and even did taste tests so he knew how much more or less ingredients to put into the dish. He even wore a silly apron while you were cooking.
And he was good at cooking. Even better than Kurogiri's meals were. You'd actually even eaten seconds, something mom would never have let you done, if she'd remembered to make dinner in the first place.

He even made you a massive bowl of ice cream and fruit and whipped cream, something you'd devoured happily, cherishing every bite, knowing that ice cream was a treat, especially with as much as he gave you.
He'd shown you his artwork, allowing you to carefully flip through his sketchbooks after washing your hands. You asked him questions about how he'd created the pieces, and he'd happily answer, promising to try and find certain materials so you could give it a go, too.
And then later on in the evening, you watched old black and white movies, ones with lots of singing and fancy clothes in. It was exactly the kind of thing you imagined Giran would have been into.

You'd asked Giran lots of questions about Dabi too. You wanted to know how they met, and why if Giran was Dabi's paw, was Dabi living on the streets when you had met him.
Giran had cringed a little when you'd asked how they'd met.

"He was wanderin' th' streets, lookin' for money." Giran had told you calmly, taking a thoughtful breath of his cigarette. "Was very young. A lil' older than you, though, sweetie."

This was followed up by the mussing of your hair.

"'Nyway... I'd heard 'bout him through some of my clients." Giran continued, his lips pressing into a tight line as he tapped ash into an ashtray. "Always was a fiery one. No-one got away withou' payin' him."

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