Full of Love

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"Do you have a mom, 'Mura?" You ask, leaning your face on your fist as you look out of the car window.

"Not anymore." Is the dry response.

"Oh." You pause, feeling guilty for asking. You knew how painful that question could be. "Did she take bad medicine too?"

"No, she didn't." Tomura replies honestly, but bluntly.

"Was she sick?"


"Oh." Your brow furrows. "Did someone hurt her like when Uncle Giran got taken?"

You look over at Tomura, who's jawline seems more pronounced, as though he was clenching it to make it look more muscular.

"There was an accident." He replies, slowly as though he's waiting for your reaction.

"I'm sorry." You murmur. "That's sad."

He doesn't reply, just keeps his eyes on the road, his jaw still clenched under his skin and his cracked lips pressed together. One of his hands moves to scratch at his neck like when he used to at the bar, so you decide to quickly change the subject.

"Did you run away? I did." You ask. "That's why I found Dabi and he looked after me."

"I know that, Star." Tomura replies.

"Well, did someone look after you? Or did you still have a pa?"

"You're full of questions today." He comments dryly, taking a deep breath and placing his hand back on the steering wheel. "My teacher took me in."

"Oh! A teacher? Was your teacher really smart? Is that how you know about math?"

"Yes." Tomura replies, still humoring you but not fully in the conversation.

"Can I meet your teacher? I want to be smart too." You ask. "Then I could definitely do art school when I'm older."

"No. He's not around anymore." Tomura says, his tone never giving much away.

"Oh." You say, your shoulders dropping as well as your enthusiasm about the subject.

Did Tomuras teacher die too? That's sad. Tomura didn't have anyone left. Not like you, you still had Dabi, and you try very hard not to think about how you would feel if Dabi wasn't around anymore.
Sure, Tomura was your pa now too, but Dabi looked after you the most. He saved you when you needed safety, and made you feel treasured and loved for the first time ever.

You don't get to ask any more questions, because Tomura pulls back up to your home, unplugging his seatbelt and placing a careful hand over yours to stop you unplugging your seatbelt too.
You look up at him quizzically, your mind immediately flicking through everything you've said and done today that might have displeased him.

"Are you okay?" You ask him after he doesn't say anything for a moment or two and just stares at you with his warm crimson eyes.

"Fine." He says, retracting his hand. "Can I have a hug when we get out of the car?"

Your face immediately lights up. Tomura had never asked for a hug before.

"Uh-huh!" You agree, hurriedly unbuckling the seatbelt strap so you can fufill Tomuras wish.

He watches you with a faint expression of amusement before opening the car door on his side and sliding out of the car, leaving the mask and sunglasses he'd been wearing inside.
You rush to him, ready to cling yourself to his waist like usual, but he crouches, allowing you to slam into him in a proper hug.
You wrap your arms around his neck tightly, pressing your face against his cool skin, feeling the bumpy scars from his old scratches on his neck against your forehead.

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