Heaven Without You

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You were excited.
Today Tomura had agreed to go and feed the ducks with you and Dabi, and then spend the evening with you too with no distractions from the others.
You hadn't been out beyond the realm of your home and Dabi's workplace for the longest time, and you were itching to see the outside world again.

You're practically bouncing as you get ready to go out, putting on one of the biggest sweaters you had after Dabi told you to wrap up warm, courtesy of Uncle Giran, but even that was getting a little small now, the arms too high up your wrists and the material kind of tight on your chest and stomach.
You grab a scarf and a hat that Himiko gifted you and pull some pants on too, hurriedly trying to get dressed so you can go out even faster.

You practically thunder down the stairs, passing Atsuhiro who warns you about running down wooden stairs in socks. You don't pay him any mind, excited to get to Tomura and Dabi and leave to go and see the ducks.
You bounce up to them, looking up at Dabi excitedly. He pulls the hat further down your head carefully, petting your cheek.

"You're gonna need a mask, hon." He says, grabbing one from a box on the kitchen counter.

"Okay!" You chime, more than happy to be obedient as long as it got you to where you wanted to go.

Tomura slips his phone into Dabi's pocket, pressing a quick kiss to the staple at the corner of his mouth before grabbing some car keys from the hooks by the kitchen door and leaving wordlessly.
Dabi crouches, fussing over your clothes and zipping up your jacket, moving your hair out of your face and under your hat.

"You're too damn cute, kid." He sighs. "Hate that you're growin' up so fast."

"Uncle Giran said that I might be all growed up but I'll always be your little girl." You say factually, your voice muffled from the scarf tucked into your coat.

Dabi rolls his eyes. "He talks a lot of crap, hon... But he's right about that, I guess."

You nod, trusting Uncle Girans' words almost as much as you did Dabi's.

"You gotta keep that mask and hat on, 'kay? Four." He says, his cold blue eyes searching yours.

"I will." You agree, holding your pinky finger out for him.

He smirks, curling his around your own and giving your hands a single firm shake before rising again.

"C'mon then." He encourages. "Duck's ain't gonna feed themselves, Starshine."

"They don't have hands!" Jin chimes in from the hallway.

You giggle at the silliness of his comment as you walk through, accepting the quick hug and kiss you get from the older blonde man on your way through the hallway and the quickly hurrying off to catch up with Dabi.

"Seatbelt." Tomura says the instant you get in the car, you can feel his eyes burning on you through the mirror even with the sunglasses he has on.

"Yup!" You chirp, plugging it in and tugging on it like Dabi always made you do to check.

"Attagirl." Dabi praises, and then smirks at Tomura. "See. Told ya I trained her."

"I'm not allowed to touch the horn either." You tell Tomura from between the two front seats, as if to prove Dabi's point.

Tomura shakes his head, smirking in amusement before reversing out of the grounds of the mansion you resided in.
You watch curiously out of the window as he drives as carefully as Dabi does to the closest pond, the odd comment between Dabi and Tomura fading into background noise as you listen to the sound of other cars passing and the songs that the pedestrian crossings played.

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