In Good Hands

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Tomura didn't come to your room again that night.
In fact, he and the others disappeared for what felt like forever, leaving you and Dabi alone in the hotel for the most part.
Dabi spent a lot of nights meeting up and talking to what he said was a bird, which had left you puzzled while you were at Girans office waiting for your pawpaw to come back. It was nice spending time with Giran again, even if he was busy on his phone and with big scary men a lot.
He let you draw in peace, and you spent so much time with him now that you were beginning to fill up the sketchbook that you had previously been so worried about beginning.

But you had not been happy when one night Dabi had come back to Girans to pick you up after work and informed you that everyone had moved to another new building, and that you would have to get in the van with him and Spinner and help them all unpack when you got there.
You were particularly unhappy when Dabi waited until you had arrived at the giant mansion that still seemed to be a little dusty even though you could see Himiko and Atsuhiro working together to clean it to announce that you'd have your own room again.
You'd become so used to having Dabi in your space all the time, or at least the majority of the time, that you couldn't bear the idea of sleeping alone in the cold and facing your nightmares alone again.

"I don't wanna!" You had yelled, gripping one of your matching teddies tightly. You were really fighting with yourself not to launch it in frustration.

"Star. You're growin' up. You need more privacy, an' so do I." Dabi had tried soothing, his hand atop your head.

"But I get scared!" You had tried to convince him in return.

You really did get scared.
You had bad dreams more often than not, and although you'd gotten better at dealing with them thanks to Dabi's suggestions of reimagining them as a silly story, as well as his general presence next to you when you woke, they weren't completely gone.

He had begun picking at one of the staples that lined his wrist that had once been infected in response, his mismatched lips pulled into a thin line as he had looked down at you with a conflicted look on his face.
You were almost able to convince yourself that he might have agreed with you, and allow you to share a room with him a little longer. He had looked unsure, like he wanted to cave in.
But eventually, he had broken the staring contest between you both to sigh and shake his head.

"Sorry kid, it's for the best. For both'a us." He had said, his voice final.

And so you'd thrown your teddy at the wall in frustration, tears immediately spilling down your cheeks at his words and the feeling of rejection that came with them.
Dabi had looked a little shocked, his hands immediately flying up into a defensive position.

"Star." He had tried to say firmly. "We're not about'ta start yellin' and throwin' stuff. Wind it in."

"You hate me! You're meant to love me but you don't anymore!" You had yelled, your fear besting your logic.

"That ain't true and you know it." He had argued.

"You don't want me anymore because of Tomura!" You had accused, flopping onto your new bed in the new room you now had to endure alone. "Go away!"

You had felt his eyes on you even as you had buried your face into the, admittedly, really soft pillow. But he didn't say another word, and surprisingly left you alone, securing the fear of his disinterest in your mind.

And so you'd ignored him for most of the next day, staying in your room, even when Himiko tried dragging you out to play tag with her and Spinner in the garden as a form of quirk training.
He had tried to approach you and apologise, bringing you some onigiri he and Himiko had made together as a peace offering, but you had huffed and ignored him.
He hadn't denied not wanting you anymore because of Tomura, so in your head, he hated you.

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