...And In Health

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You'd cried silently for a good while as the shower ran, Toga leaning over you to check it wasn't too hot or too cold, the sleeve of her beloved beige cardigan rolled up to avoid it getting wet.
When she'd announced that it should be the right temperature for you, you'd gotten shy about having to undress.
She didn't seem to understand why you were avoiding her eye contact at first, her piercing yellow eyes looking at you expectantly.

"C'mon! We're all girls here!" She tries coaxing.

Her voice is as upbeat as usual, the pitch of it going straight through your brain like a hot knife in comparison to Dabi's low rasp. 
You didn't care that you were both girls. Even mom hadn't seen you without clothes on since you were a baby.
You remain still, not that you could move much anyway. Your head panged whenever you made a slight movement, and you still felt a little sick.

"Okay... well..." She pauses, thinking. "How about... I turn my back so you can undress and then you sit facing the shower, and then I'll wash your hair for you?"

That doesn't sound too awful. If you have your back to her, maybe she won't see too much of you.
Reluctantly, you nod your head, and she gives a massive fanged grin before spinning around on her heels, turning her back to you.
You shyly undress out of your pyjamas, trying to hurry yourself into the bathtub facing the showerhead before Toga could turn around too soon.

You almost slip on account of your heavily blurred vision, but manage to catch yourself in time before you hurt yourself, even if the slight strain goes straight to your head in the form of a throbbing pain.
You settle yourself cross legged, facing the stream of water, closing your eyes to stop the water from getting into them.

"'Kay." You call quietly, nervously.

Toga gives a little hum, and you hear her feet pad on the floor a few times before she seems to settle behind you, her hands delicately moving through your hair.

"Does this hurt?" She asks, gently working at the ends of the strands of your hair.

You shake your head slightly, hugging your knees to allow for more coverage of your body. This was so new and weird for you, and actually, you find yourself a little thankful that Dabi had insisted on Toga helping you wash.
Your head and hair were really sensitive today, but Toga was being a lot more gentle with her touch than usual, and you were really thankful for it.

"Your hair is so pretty." She says wistfully, leaning forward to grab a bottle of shampoo. "Mine just goes all messy no matter what!"

You're quiet as she washes your hair, leaning your face against your knees. Whatever Dabi had given you seemed to have worked, the pain slowly beginning to subside.
She rubs your head gently as she covers your hair in shampoo, the feeling surprisingly nice. You find yourself leaning into it without much thought, Toga giggling happily behind you.
You suppose this is what Dabi feels like when you helped him dye his hair.

"Nice, huh?" She asks, rubbing your head a little more before beginning to rinse all the suds out.

It was nice, actually.
The more the pain began to subside, although it didn't totally disappear, you began to regain your vision a little more. Things weren't as blurry or going completely black at random times.
You were most relieved that you didn't feel sick anymore, but the sudden realisation that you'd thrown up on the bed hits you, making anxiety begin to eat away at you inside.

Toga was babbling on at you about braiding your hair when she was done rinsing out the soap to make it dry a certain way, cooing over how 'cute' it will look.

"Toga?" You interrupt, your voice quiet.

"You can call me Himiko!"

You're not too keen on that, but you're too polite to deny her.

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