Why Not Sooner?

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Touya had been dragged away from the others by Tomura when the stupid quirk he'd been hit with decided to announce his suicidal tendencies in the middle of casual conversation.
Luckily, Star was oblivious, completely sucked into the workbook that Spinner was trying to help her through without making her flustered or uncomfortable.
He, however, had heard it and shot Touya a warning look, but there was the undeniable look of pity in his eyes too.
Toga had looked hurt, and Jin had to take himself out, muttering to himself under his breath in several different voices. Compress, at least, pretended not to hear after glancing at him and seeing Tomura's fingers wrapped around his arm, choosing to sit over with Star and Spinner.

As he sits on the edge of their bed, his hands running through his hair, he tries to ignore the burning of Tomura's eyes on him from the door, blocking his exit. Which had probably been a conscious choice. Touya was a flight risk whenever he felt like he was in trouble.

This wasn't meant to happen. None of it was.

"I'm gonna be stuck like this forever, aren't I?" He mopes to himself, not really expecting an answer from his partner.

"I keep telling you to stop frying anyone that annoys you." Tomura says, his voice as even and calm as ever.

"So I was just meanta let him attack Toga?" Touya responds sharply.

"There are other means to immobilize people." Tomura replies, as calculating as ever. "Or you could have just run. You're fast. Toga's agile. You lead with your anger, but you're smart. This may mean you use your head more in the future, at least."

It doesn't help his mood to be told how he reacted was wrong. His temperature begins to spike even higher, smoke leaking through his seams.

Tomura sighs, dropping to a crouched position, draping his arms over his knees and lacing his dangerous fingers together as he stares at Touya.

"Have you tried just getting it all out? There's clearly a lot you're hiding."

"Ain't tellin' you shit." Touya spits despite himself, and the fact he was even able to say it means it's the truth.

Tomura doesn't seem phased by Touya's annoyance at all, just continuing to watch calmly from in front of the bedroom door. It was always like this. He couldn't argue with Tomura if he tried. His anger was always met with nonchalance or patience, which was so far from how Tomura had been when they first met.

"Well. You already started talking about your intentions to burn yourself out, so let's start with that for now."

"It wasn't meant to be like this." Touya whispers in response.

Tomura remains wordless, waiting for him to elaborate.

"I wasn't meant to get attached to anyone." Touya continues, defeated. "Star was an accident but I couldn't just let her be alone on the streets, been through that myself an' it's hell, man."

He's glad that at least the quirk allows him the privacy of some of the things he'd had to experience on the streets growing up instead of letting all of that out too.

"An' she's just so good an' pure it makes everything hurt less just bein' around her, y'know?" He continues.

Touya hates himself for spilling it all out like a broken dam, but it's like he can't stop himself the second he starts.

"She's jus' a kid. Never been loved properly in her life. Breaks my heart. Wanna give her everythin' I never had." Touya chokes at the end of his sentence as he tries to cut himself off from saying anything more.

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