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Dabi was getting cranky.
The first day after his interview, he was fine.
You had both spent the day in the hotel. You hadn't really done much, but that was just fine by you, you were happy enough catching up on all the TV shows you missed while you were away from home, and unable to watch TV.
You only really left the room to get food, and for Dabi's cigarette breaks.

The second day, he was a little more quiet than usual, jumping to attention whenever his phone vibrated, only to huff when he checked the screen.
You wondered if it's because he'd been insisting you slept in the bed while he slept on the little couch in the room. You didn't know why he was so adamant on you having the bed when you fit better on the couch than he did, but he wouldn't allow you to argue back, and you were smart enough to not push the subject too much.

He wasn't really moving much, he didn't even get up to smoke, only having a cigarette when he managed to peel himself off the couch to take you to a Family Mart to get food and drinks for the rest of the day because he didn't want to have to get up again.
He wouldn't tell you what was wrong, but his movements were a lot slower and more sluggish than usual, lacking the usual grace he tended to walk with. You were getting the feeling he was in pain, especially when he had to reach for things in the shop and you'd see him wince.

You then got worried that it was some kind of aftereffect of your quirk, although you were a little concerned that if it was, that it was a bit delayed.
So you started to fawn, worried that you had annoyed him, that he was beginning to realize that you were too much of a commitment for him and he didn't want to keep you around anymore.
You kept his glass of water full again, tidied everything up in the hotel, despite it already being nearly as tidy as possible anyway, it wasn't like either of you had many belongings.
Even that seemed to irk him though, him telling you to stop 'bein' such a busybody, an' relax.'

So you had done what he asked, sitting on the floor by the couch where he'd been laying and resting your head back, against his torso.
He had flinched so hard that it even got you to jolt, too. You'd thrown him an apologetic look, and he'd sighed, requesting for you to not touch him today in a calm but strained voice.

So after that, you'd been keeping out of his way as much as the hotel room would allow. A dark atmosphere was coming off of him, and you didn't want to do or say anything that would tick him off and make him leave you behind.

At one stage he had picked up the phone, clearly waiting for someone to pick up as he turned the volume up on the TV without even asking you and disappearing into the bathroom for a little while.
You take the hint, smart enough to know he'd done that to stop you from being able to hear whatever was being said.
That didn't stop you from trying to overhear bits and pieces of the conversation whenever there was a second of silence.

You don't hear anything too useful, just what sounded like:
"He said two days..."
"Can't jus' leave her here..."
"...Just for an hour or two."
And at one point he yelled: "I'll just have to pay you back!"

When he'd left the bathroom his face was even more sour than before, his phone gripped tightly in his hand.
He flops back onto the bed, threatening to send you flying with the bounce, except this time you don't laugh like you had when it happened before.

"Kid." He says eventually,  breaking the hour-long silence you two had shared.

"Mm?" You reply, pretending that you hadn't even noticed his bad mood because you were so wrapped up in the show playing on the flatscreen.

When you look over at him there's a slight frown pulling his eyebrows together, and his eyes are cold, empty.

"What do you think of Giran?" He asks.

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