Stars Blessing

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*CW: Mention of blood test/needles*

He never did come back from the roof.
It took a couple hours of everyone looking before Shigaraki gave up, and went off to make a few phone calls.
By this point, you were worried he had left you alone for good, and so you used your tiny size to your advantage, sneaking off after him to listen in on whoever he was calling.
You made out that you were going back upstairs while he sat in the hallway on the phone, but really you were sitting with your ear pressed up against the door.

It was hard to hear what he was saying. Shigaraki was a lot more softly spoken than the others, but thanks to your practice with mom and her boyfriends, you had managed to strain your hearing enough to pick up on dribs and drabs.

"You have him?"
"This has happened before?"
A grunt of acknowledgement.
Followed by a dry laugh.
"He is aware he left his child here?"
"...She misses him."
"Alright. I'll send you the finders fee."
"... Thanks."

You didn't really understand much more than you did before listening to the phone call, so you went back upstairs and cuddled amongst your plushies, taking another nap.

You woke up a little while later to a warm hand pressed against your head.

"Should she be sleepin' this much?" Dabi asked, sounding concerned.

As hurt as you had been about him disappearing without saying goodbye, you were relieved to hear he was back and feel his warm presence around you again.
You kept your eyes closed though, not wanting to disturb whatever conversation he was having. Especially seeing as it was about you.

"Could be anemia." A raspy voice replied. Shigaraki. "Would have to take blood to find out."

The mere mention of taking blood had distressed you enough to whimper, reaching out with your eyes closed for Dabi.
You weren't going to give up your sleeping act too easily, not now there was mention of taking your blood. Would they call Toga back to do it?

Dabi had picked you up, cradling you to his body and shushed you, one arm holding you in place, his hand cradling the back of your head.
You could half-see the light from his phone with your eyes closed, your head pressed against the staples lining his chest.

"Yeah. You might be onta somethin' there, boss." Dabi sighed. "Says about stunted growth an' the headaches too."

"The growth could be multiple things." Shigaraki replied dryly, before adding. "I'll try to get a hold of more iron tablets."


The room had gone quiet after that, bar Shigaraki telling Dabi they could 'discuss everything else another time'.
Dabi had hummed an agreement as he began shifting with you in his arms, laying you back down on a pillow.
You had waited a little while after hearing the click of the door, as well as Dabi pacing around the room getting ready for bed, waiting until he was on top of the covers with you before 'waking up'.

"Dabi?" You had asked, trying to sound sleepy.

"Hey, Starshine." You heard him greet in the dark.

"You left." You said quietly, allowing the hurt you had been feeling to come out.

He didn't reply, but he did pull you to his side, something you welcomed with the pains that were beginning to make themselves known once more through your stomach.

"I'm sorry." He had muttered into the dark as you began to fight off sleep again. "I'm a let down."

You squeezed him sleepily, nuzzling your face into his side, feeding off the constant warmth he gave off shamelessly.

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