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Touya's voice is shaky as he exclaims, gripping his hair with bloody hands. He doesn't even recognise it when it leaves him, his voice unfamiliar and scared.
Toga and Twice are clinging to each other, crying. Spinner is wordless, staring at the blood covering the majority of his body, his arms outstretched as he stares at them in shock. Compress isn't too much better off, clutching his missing arm as blood trickles between his fingers. He was handling it better than most would, only giving small grunts of pain here and there, loud breaths being taken underneath his mask.

Shigaraki seemed to be the only person completely unbothered by what had just happened, walking behind the bar and washing his hands and arms free of the blood that soaked them silently.
Touya almost wishes he wasn't clearly shaken up by what had just happened, he likely looked like a complete loser right now. He was completely locked in place with his hands fisted in his hair, his eyes wider than they'd been in years. He almost felt like his reality was slipping, as though if he forced himself to let go of his hair, his eyes would focus in a way that made him feel like he was having some kind of out-of-body experience.

At least he wasn't bawling his eyes out like Toga and Twice.

"Big sis!" Toga cries, hanging her head back as tears stream down her face.

The action is so dramatic, and almost childlike.
This sets off a realisation that Touya really wishes he could have had once he himself had time to comprehend what had just happened.
Touya freezes even more, his eyes widening to a point he can feel the staples under his eyes tugging a little uncomfortably now.

"Fuck." He whispers this time, finally lowering his shaking and bloodied hands.

He was going to have to tell Star. There was no way she wouldn't notice the loss of Magne.
They'd gotten close recently, Star now allowing her to pet her hair and give her the odd hug. Star had taken to playing with Magne's hair too, and Magne had been telling her tales of her life, ones that Star would end up relaying back to Touya.
She'd lived a hell of a life, from the sound of it.

"I can see the recruitment was a struggle." Kurogiri finally comments, seemingly oblivious to Toga and Twice's crying in the corner of the room.

"Yup." Shigaraki replies bluntly, beginning to run bloodied sleeves under the water.

Touya can't help but be torn between admiration and anger as he watches how nonchalantly Shigaraki seemed to be dealing with the fact Magne had, for a lack of a better term, exploded, and covered them all in her remains thanks to the new 'recruit' who seemed to be a little too trigger happy with his quirk.
It was only because Dabi had grabbed Toga in time that they had only lost Compress' arm instead of an arm and another frie- colleague.

"Compress needs a healer. Send him to Girans." Shigaraki orders calmly, eventually giving up and taking off his jacket, throwing it over the bar.

"No!" Touya yells before he can control himself. "No."

Compress could not go to Giran's right now. Star was there, having a good time, seeing her Uncle Giran that she had griped about missing for so long. She didn't need to see him like that, all bloody and in pain. Half of the blood wasn't even his own.
Shigaraki stares at Touya blankly. He looked... different somehow. His eyes were duller than they usually were, as though the lights were on, but nobody was home. He doesn't even seem to have the energy to snap at Touya like he usually would whenever he crosses the line of being a subordinate.

"What the..." Spinner finally begins to ask, his taloned hands beginning to shake.

Touya can't tell if the unfinished sentence is aimed at him, or what they had all just experienced.

"We leave him and he dies." Shigaraki replies with no thought to the fact that Compress was sitting right there, his voice eerily calm.

Mister Compress grunts in annoyance at the fact that Touya and Shigaraki are even debating the matter, the simple noise enough to highlight how tightly he must be clenching his jaw as the grunt comes out strained.

"Star's there.. She..." Touya begins, but is unable to actually finish the sentence coherently.

"You sort it, then." Shigaraki shrugs. "I need to shower."

And with that, he just... leaves.
No tears, no yelling, no show of emotion whatsoever. He almost seemed bored, as though this wasn't the first time he'd witnessed someone he knew just... burst like that.
Touya's wordless, sinking to a crouch and forgetting himself for a second, wiping his hands over his scarred and metal-lined cheeks in disbelief.
He quickly rubs Magne's blood, which was now streaked down his face, with his arm, trying to rid the stuff from so close to his mouth.

He needed to think of an excuse, and fast.
He glances at Compress, trying to gauge how he was doing, whether he had enough time to think of some kind of reason for Magne being gone.
But his fingers are pale. A lot paler than they had been, and highlighting the darkness of the blood that hadn't ceased pouring from what remained of his arm.

"Fuck." Touya repeats for the third time.

He didn't have time.

With slippery and shaking hands, Touya manages to call Giran.
He pinches the bridge of his nose, expecting to have to call about three times before getting an answer from him, knowing the old man was forever on the stupid thing, talking to various clients, his kids, his ex wife, his solicitors...

When it gets to the third ring of the dial tone, Touya begins to whisper harshly, squeezing his eyes closed and feeling his body heat rise in annoyance.

"Come on, you stupid old man I know you're fuckin' there, I know you're ignorin' the fuckin' call, god, you're such a piece of shit, the one time I actually fuckin' need ya to answ-"

Giran picks up.

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