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You were helping Dabi dye his hair again when you gathered the courage to ask him about his scars.
He seemed pretty peaceful with his head hanging over the edge of the bathtub, his eyes closed as you work your gloved fingers through his hair.
He kept yawning, which told you he was pretty sleepy, too, so hopefully those two things together meant that you'd be able to ask him without upsetting him too much and avoid an argument.

"Dabi?" You ask, your voice small.

Dabi hums an acknowledgement at you, not opening his eyes still.

"I lied to you earlier." You admit, scratching his head a little bit. You'd noticed earlier that he seemed to relax a little more when you did that.

His eyes shoot open, and he looks up at you as you continue rinsing his hair with your lips pressed into a tight line.

"Ya did?" He asks, an ever so slight hint of amusement in his voice. "About what?"

"What I was thinking about." You reply quietly.

He chuckles, rolling his icy blue eyes before closing them again.

"Yeah? What were you thinkin' about then?" He asks with a smirk, opening one eye to squint up at you again, his grin widening. "Spinner?"

Your face begins to burn immediately.

"Nuh-uh! Why would I be thinking about Spinner?" You deny fervently, fixing your eyes on his wet hair and hoping that your face doesn't look as red as it feels.

Dabi chuckles, closing his eye again. He looks pretty smug, like he usually did whenever he was being playful.

"What were ya really thinkin' about then, little Star? Enlighten me." He asks, still smirking away.

You scratch his scalp a little again as you rinse the black dye from his roots, eliciting a happy little 'hm' from him.

"Your scars..." You reply slowly, gauging his reaction.

His lips twitch downwards a little, but he still manages to keep his eyes closed and his lips curled upward.
You assume this means he's not mad about it, or unwilling to talk about it.

"Oh yeah?" He replies. "What about 'em got ya lyin' to me, dollface?"

The use of his silly little nickname for you makes it seem like he's not too mad, but the mention of you lying to him overrides it into making you feel guilty.

"I'm sorry for lying to you..." You mumble, wringing his hair a little. "I didn't want to tell you the truth and upset you in front of everyone."

Dabi goes quiet for a moment as you pat his head twice, signalling that the water was running clear. He turns off the tap, and takes the towel you reach towards him.
He scrubs his head a couple times, his azure eyes focused to the distance. You wonder if he's beginning to get mad the longer you're in silence for.
Eventually, he does speak up again.

"Well, ya know lyin's bad, Star." Dabi shrugs, leaving the towel on his head. "I appreciate why you lied, an' it wasn't about anythin' serious, so I'm not mad, 'kay?"

You nod and apologise again for good measure, although he waves you off dismissively, returning back to towel drying his hair.

"What about 'em?" He repeats, a little gruffer than how he'd usually talk to you.

It's almost enough to put you off asking, but you perservere. Dabi had promised he would always love you, and never punish you, and you needed to be brave and give Dabi a chance to prove it.

"How did you get them?" You ask, puffing your chest a little as you straighten your back, hoping that if you hold yourself a little higher, then you'd be braver.

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