Be Kind

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You were talking to Dabi happily about the game that he and the others had bought you for Christmas as he drives, understanding the game more now you were able to play it properly by yourself, and not just wandering around the shrines and finding the little leafy fairies like Tomura used to let you do on his console.
He seems absentminded, but he wasn't as interested in video games like Spinner or Tomura are, so you just continue anyway, more than happy to chat away in a one-sided conversation because you were just thrilled that you had Christmas presents for the first time ever.

"Hey, doll?" Dabi asks out of the blue, interrupting you mid sentence.

"Yeah, pawpaw?" You ask in return.

It was rare that he interrupted you, always waiting for you to finish what you had to say before he spoke himself, so whatever he wanted to ask was probably really important.

"If ya see Hakuchō today, make sure you're real nice to her, 'kay?" He asks, peering over at you.

"I'm always nice to her." You reply. "You're the one that's mean."

Dabi presses his lips together and looks away. You almost wonder if that was rude enough for him to upset him, but it was true, he was mean to her, he always told Hawks to stop bringing her, even though you'd told him you liked seeing her.

"You're right, Starshine." Dabi says calmly. "You're nice to everyone."

You watch him quietly as he drives for a moment, curious as to what had made him say that.

"Did I do something bad to Hakuchō before?" You ask, a little confused.

"No, hon. Just makin' sure you're gentle with her, that's all." Dabi replies, leaning his head on his hand.

"Are you gonna be gentle with her too?" You ask. "'Cause you always tell her to go home or to school, even though she doesn't like school."

Dabi's eye twitches slightly. "That's different, Star."

"Why?" You ask curiously.

"Because I'm an adult."

"I don't get it."

"Your job is to be nice to everyone and be trustin' and innocent and my job is to be careful." Dabi replies, but it doesn't make any more sense to you.

"I thought your job was to change Japan?" You question.

Dabi snorts and shakes his head with a small smile. "Ya know what, Star? Don't worry about it. Jus' keep bein' your lovely little self."

"Oh, okay." You reply, still confused.

He falls back into silence and you follow suit, wondering about what he had said.
You wonder if maybe Dabi had realised how upset Hakuchō had seemed the last couple of times she'd come with Hawks and wanted to be nicer to her too but didn't know how to say sorry to her.
When you get to the building, Dabi pets your hair adoringly and leans over to kiss your head and call you 'precious' before getting out of the car.

You rush to the building out of habit, ready to spend time with the others like usual. You practically run straight into Atsuhiro the second you enter, crashing into his back with a small 'oof'.

"Hello little lady." Atsuhiro says, amused. "All ready for your lesson then?"


"Geography, dear." Atsuhiro explains, patting your head. "Come along."

You groan, hanging your head back, and Dabi pinches your cheek lovingly as he passes.

"Four." He reminds you gently before letting go.

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