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Tomura watches as the scene unfolds before him, his body rendered useless by the infuriating Arbor quirk.
The heroes had been annoyingly smart in knocking out Dabi and apprehending Kurogiri, rendering the two most useful in this situation useless.
He's too pissed off to be proud of Star for using her quirk on the old man hero, Gran Torino. The skin on his neck is crawling, begging to be scratched, but the wood he's trapped in is preventing his hands from being able to be moved very far.
His eyes are scanning the entire room, looking for an opening, a chance, when he begins feeling a little off-balance, even though he's being held still.

His eyes snap to Star, who is glowing some kind of light green around her body.
His first thought is: 'Idiot, you're making us all sick.'
His second, after feeling the arms (branches?) beginning to loosen around him, is to encourage whatever she was doing currently, as it was clearly working.

"I don't feel so good." Twice complains across from Tomura. This comment is immediately followed with: "Feelin' great!"

The heroes are beginning to panic now, unable to control their bodies as Star's quirk knocks them off-balance. They can't even call for backup while her quirk's in effect, lest the backup heroes get sick too, which works perfectly for Tomura.
Toga manages to get herself free first, huffing and pouting in irritation as she gets onto her feet, swaying.

"Aim for the tree." Shigaraki orders her, his voice low.

He tries wiggling again, trying to get free while Kamui Woods struggles to gain control of his body. The branches tighten before loosening again, the hero at the end of the offending trap groaning in discomfort.
Toga practically launches herself at the branch holding Tomura down, using one of the mysterious blades she always seemed to pull out of nowhere to saw at the wood, hacking and slashing away while All Might stumbles to try to stop her.

The sickness Star was emitting as she towered over Gran Torino, combined with the pain from Toga sawing at his appendages seems to work in getting Woods to let up enough for Tomura to slide out of the grasp, his hand making contact with the wood the second it could.
They all work as quick as they can, Twice stumbling over to Star to pick her up quickly and hide her face in his shoulder while Kamui Woods screams from the effects of decay.
Dabi and Kurogiri fall limp to the floor, Spinner, Magne and Mister Compress getting to their feet and trying to overcome the feeling of vertigo that Star was emitting.

"Who's screaming?" Tomura hears Star ask, her voice muffled thanks to Twice holding her face close to his shoulder.

It doesn't take too long for Kamui to be nothing more than dust on the floor, meanwhile the look on All Might's face is an absolute picture.
Tomura smirks underneath Father, lunging towards All Might, only for the hulk of a man to bounce backwards, narrowly avoiding Tomura's five-fingered touch.
This pisses Tomura off, but he's not about to give up, lunging a second time with the full intention of making contact this time, but All Might's speed exceeds his own, and he manages to grab both Gran Torino and Bakugo, jumping out of the hole he'd created earlier.

The pesky ninja hero, Edgeshot, managed to whip away quickly too, without Tomura even having time to spot him before he left. He can't even remember seeing him struggle in the bar as the vertigo effected everyone. Annoying, but as long as he was gone it still counted as a minor win for them all.

"Fuck." Tomura grumbles, scratching his neck as he watches the Symbol of Peace disappear into the distance, scowling the whole time.

His balance is still off, an unsettled feeling in his stomach and his vision a little doubled, despite the threats being gone.
He glances over to Star as Twice rocks her, patting her back and trying to soothe her despite visibly being pale and unsteady on his feet.
The glowing seems to have lessened, but her quirk is apparently still in effect.

"Twice." Tomura calls. "Settle her down."

He turns to face the others.

"Toga, Compress, Magne, start packing." He orders, kicking the bag left behind from Star earlier that evening. "Kurogiri, take us to one of Sensei's other buildings."

"Uh... what should I do?" Spinner asks.

"Check Dabi." Tomura snaps in annoyance, although it's misdirected. "Help Twice."

He begins following the others upstairs, turning his head to give one final look over the remains of the bar, more than a little sour that the plans he'd made had failed.
He'd spent a lot of time in this bar, the most time he'd spent in any of the hideouts All For One had set up around Japan, and he was pissed about having to lose his gaming setup too.
No matter. Sensei could get him another.

When he gets upstairs, his eyes narrow when he spots Toga trying to enter his room instead of packing up her own stuff.

"No." Tomura says simply, dragging Toga out of his doorway by the scruff of her neck. "Pack your room."

He didn't want anyone to know yet.

She huffs again, but is as reluctantly obedient as usual, scurrying off to her room. He watches her to make sure, Magne following after her to help. That left Compress in charge of both Star and Dabi's room. Maybe he should have told Spinner to help too, after all.
Tomura could help once he was done with his own room, after all, they were on a time limit. He wasn't stupid, he knew more heroes or the police would approach the second they were brave enough to try and face Stars quirk.
It's not the tidiest clear-out job he's done. The medical equipment he needed is the only neat packing job he's done, tucking the solutions and needles and the ointments he gave up using years ago into a smaller bag within the duffle bag he kept for situations just like this.

He doesn't have room for much, so he ends up walking away from the room with his handheld, a few shirts and pants, as well as underwear, the hands that the doctor and Sensei had given him, and he had put on the only jacket he owns to save space within the bag.
He drops the duffel bag downstairs with Kurogiri, trusting him, if no-one else, to take good care of the contents.

"Dabi?" Tomura asks Spinner from afar.

Twice and Spinner are sat side by side, their backs leant against the wall.
Twice is holding Star just like he was as he was standing, her little legs straddling his waist, her arms wrapped around his neck and Twice's hand petting her hair gently, his head leaning on hers. Spinner seems to be leaning his head on Star's back, his eyes sliding to meet Tomura's.

"Still out." Spinner calls back. "Star's asleep now too."

Tomura grunts an acknowledgement, heading back up the stairs to help the others.
He's still infuriated, but manages to control himself from clawing at himself, silently aiding Compress with packing clothes for Dabi and Star in Stars rucksack and a couple of random plastic bags that they'd managed to find.

When they run out of space in Stars bag for her stuff, Tomura simply orders Compress to use his quirk the rest of her belongings and just shove it all in the bag for him to sort out later.
He looks a little put off by this, probably because he'd have to undo a lot of it later, but Tomura doesn't really care.
It was better than the option he'd thrown out of ditching Star's bear to make more room, anyway.

"We can get her a new one!" Toga had chimed in, not that anyone had asked her.

Tomura had shot it down instantly. He knew that raggedy bear was special to Star, and he wasn't about to tear that away for the little girl.
After all, when he was her age, he put the same kind of energy into needing those hands...

"We'll get her more." Tomura randomly speaks up while packing, his brain revisiting the memory of how well she'd (albeit unknowingly) done earlier. "We'll get her as many as she wants. She just saved the whole party."

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