No More Secrets

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You wake up all curled up in Dabi's bed.
He was sprawled out beside you, his patchworked legs spread out across the bed, with one of his scarred arms underneath your head, his other arm folded up, allowing his hand to rest on his stomach.
He seems peaceful, his breaths soft and slow, and you watch the rise and fall of his chest, worried that somehow, this little piece of heaven you'd found would just end some day.

After watching him breathe for a little while, and counting the newly exposed staples from where his shirt had ridden up, you sigh, bored, and begin to get up.
The second you stir, though, he wraps the arm underneath you around your head, pulling you to his chest again.

"Mornin' little Star." He mumbles sleepily, blinking his eyes dramatically as though it was going to help him wake up quicker and see better. "Lets have a look atcha now it's all light an' stuff."

His hands place themselves either side of your face, tilting your head back so that he can see your face clearly.
You squirm a little under his gaze, not enjoying the close, undivided attention.
He sighs a little, gently running his thumb under your eye.

"Your little eyes are all swollen. They hurt?" He asks, letting go of your face and beginning to get up, stretching carefully like he usually did in the morning.

"I just feel tired." You reply, copying his movements.

He hums thoughtfully, yawning and wincing when the staple at the corner of his mouth buckles slightly.

"Toga'll know what to do wi' that." He murmurs, gently rubbing his eyes.

His hands flop to his sides, and he looks at you as you perch yourself on his bed, looking up at him, waiting for his next word like a eager puppy.
He gives an amused huff of air, ruffling your hair playfully.

"Ya feelin' better today Star?" He asks, rubbing his thumb over your cheek a couple times.

"A little." You murmur. "Is Shigaraki mad at me?"

"Kid. No-one's mad at you." He reaffirms. "We were all worried about ya, tha's all. Stop stressin'."

He flicks your nose gently, before finally getting himself out of bed, twisting his back slowly, a series of loud cracks sounding out.

"Rise an' shine kid. You got a room ta clean." He says, paying you no mind as he begins putting deodrant on, and changing his clothes.

You look away out of respect, knowing you wouldn't want him looking at you.

"How did you know?" You ask quietly.

"The magic of havin' ears." Dabi chuckles. "What's left of 'em, anyway."

You pout. You hate when he makes jokes like that. His ears were fine! A little scarred, and full of metal, but they weren't missing.
He pouts sarcastically straight back at you, making a show of sticking out his ruined bottom lip as far as it'll go, tilting his head to one side.
You giggle a little at his antics, giggling even more when he picks up his pillow and throws it at you playfully.

"Better get goin', otherwise I'll tell Kurogiri to give ya bran instead of pancakes." He teases.

"What's bran?" You ask, picking up teddy.

"Wanna find out?" Dabi retorts, grinning.

You shake your head, hopping out of bed and rushing towards your room as Dabi chuckles.

Your room is... a lot worse than you remember doing. There are clothes everywhere and your bed is bare. There are even drawings scattered everywhere from where you'd thrown clothes at the wall.
You start dutifully cleaning your room. You needed to anyway, Dabi had done it wrong last time, all of your clothes had been arranged into type instead of who gave it to you, so you started to correct that, separating the clothes Giran and Toga gave you and placing them in different sections of your wardrobe.
It takes a little while, but you get it all tidied up again, sweating ever so slightly from trying to haul your blanket around.

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