Happy Birthday Touya!

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Today was not a good pain day.
Touya had barely been able to sit up to take more of the stronger painkillers Tomura had hidden in their old shared room, and struggled to retrieve water to help keep himself hydrated in the intense heat stroke that had finally caught up to him.
His stomach was weak, his head was aching, and the fresher scars pulled and ached, reminding him of everything that had happened.

If he was a lesser man, he'd consider trying to score some harder drugs to ease the pain on the street. But after hearing Star's stories of her mom, of seeing how scarred the little girl was from seeing everything during her formative years, he'd sworn to himself, and to Star, that he would never touch that stuff again. Not while Star was around, and wanted to be with him.
And sure, she was gone, but no amount of pain could get him to risk not being able to get her back on the off chance an opening came about.
He needed to be sober, conscious and able.

He's limping down the stairs to try to see if he could scrape some weed from Spinner when Toga's suddenly latched to his side again, calling his birth name like she'd grown so fond of since discovering it.
He just groans in response, pausing and closing his eyes so he doesn't hurl right there on the spot. She picks up on this, thankfully and loosens her hold around his torso.

"Rough night?" She asks, genuine care in her voice.

"S' all catchin' up to me, is all." Touya replies dryly, trying to collect himself enough to move again. "Ain't feelin' too good."

"Aw, today?" Toga whines, pouting.

"Every day, lately." He responds, opening his eyes and looking down at her.

Her yellow eyes are glittering as much as ever as she looks up at him, her bottom lip poking out. He manages to flick it playfully and she giggles, correcting her expression and holding him a little firmer again.

"Wouldn't usually do this, doll, but couldya do me a favour?" Touya drawls, moving hair out of her face softly.

"What is it?" Toga replies eagerly.

"Go ask Spinner if he's got any smokes?" Touya replies. "Say I'm askin'. He'll know what I mean."

"Drugs." Toga nods. "Okay!"

Touya flinches as she lets go of him to skip off in the direction of the stairs. He'd almost forgotten the age difference between Star and her, and the difference in knowledge between them too.
He shrugs a little to himself, turning around and retreats back to Star's room, laying on the bed on his back and placing his arm over his eyes, shutting them to try and focus on not feeling so nauseous.
He'd have to change the sheets and try to air out the room before Star came back. He'd been struggling with cold sweats all day, and he doubted he'd be able to get back up to smoke outside the room if Spinner did have weed left.

He gets into a zone where he's so focused on ignoring the pain in his body that he doesn't even hear Toga enter the room until she's clambered onto the bed beside him, and he shifts his arm to look at her.
She shakes her head apologetically.

"He says he's out." She informs him. "Want me to get the good painkillers from your room again?"

Touya shakes his head, closing his eyes again. "Nah. Gone through 'em all."

There's a moment of silence. "You have? Is that safe?"

"M' alive, ain't I?" Touya replies a little snarkily.

"Okay. Sorry." Toga mumbles. "Love you."

Touya huffs.
There's another silence, and Toga nestles herself down onto his chest.

"Toga, I need to be alone." Touya says, but it lacks any demand or bite to it.

"But it's your birthday!" Toga replies in a whine.

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