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Everyone was being so kind to you. Even kinder than usual.
Toga was adamant on playing with your hair whenever she was in your space for a long time, playing with your plushies enthusiastically and whispering stories to you when you had to start taking naps in the middle of the day.
Jin was... well, Jin. He was always cuddly and loving, happy to have you on his lap when Dabi went off with Spinner to go to the gym. Sometimes he'd let you wander off with him while he went to smoke, making you promise not to tell Dabi. You loved being around him and had taken to religiously calling him Uncle Jin instead of just Jin.

Atsuhiro kept learning new magic tricks to try to impress you, and they always did. Sometimes when one was particularly impressive, you'd run and find Dabi to drag him back to Astuhiro, making him repeat the trick.
Sometimes even Dabi seemed a little impressed.
You slowly began to warm up to Magne, because she was the only one outside of Dabi that didn't seem to bow down to Shigaraki whenever he was being grumpy or rude and you wanted to be like that too. You slowly allowed her to give you hugs, and pats of the head, and she began telling you all about the different kinds of people she used to hang around with which you always found really interesting.

Spinner tended to keep away from you as much as possible, only ever greeting you and exchanging short conversation with you, seeming to silently understand too much attention from him ended up getting you all flustered.
The only exception to this was during your English 'lessons', where you'd have to talk to him. Usually you were so caught up in getting your work right that you didn't really get too embarrassed by the mere fact you had to sit relatively close to him.

Even Shigaraki was being kinder than usual, allowing you to play his beloved handheld console for allotted amounts of time, his crimson eyes boring into you the entire time, even if he was sitting a little ways from you.
Sometimes if you clicked the buttons a little too loudly he'd grunt and scratch at himself, so you learned pretty rapidly to be gentle with it.
He'd still been helping you with your math, too. You feel like Dabi may have had a word with him because he was a lot gentler with you than he ever had been before, even if you could see the frustration in his eyes as you struggled to understand certain concepts.

Sometimes the way he would turn the worksheets to dust after you were done felt more like it was for him more than you, too.

You'd barely even thought about drawing, too occupied with playing with Toga, Magne and Jin, and studying with Shigaraki, Spinner and Kurogiri. So when Atsuhiro gave you back your sketchbook and pencils and paints you'd actually been a little surprised.
You had so much you wanted to draw now, so many moments that had happened that you wanted to capture so you definitely wouldn't forget they happened.
You wanted to draw Ducky, and Dabi, and a pretty picture for Toga, and a silly picture of Dabi and Spinner struggling to lift those big bars at the gym.

Unfortunately, Kurogiri had put a dampener on that, interrupting you midway through scribbling in the shading to give you some math worksheets.
You'd been enjoying the peace and quiet of the bar while the others all worked. Dabi had been a little grumpy and didn't want to be cuddled or get out of bed this morning, so you assumed his burns were hurting him, so you left him upstairs with Shigaraki, who had also seemed to stay in bed.
You huff a little when Kurogiri places them on top of your sketchbook.

"Tomura Shigaraki said you needed to practice multiplication." He says simply.

"Snitch." You whisper, mimicking Dabi's words from whenever Jin's second voice told on him.

Kurogiri's flickering eyes narrow, but he remains wordless hovering over you for a second.

"Do you need my assistance?" He asks.

"Nope." You reply, popping the 'p' and sliding off your stool, taking the worksheets with you. "I'll get Shigaraki to help me!"

"It's important you don't interr-" Kurogiri begins to say, but you wave dismissively at him like Dabi would whenever people said something he already knew about.

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