The Feeling of Betrayal

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You had tried everything.
You'd screamed until your lungs gave out, used every single curse word you knew, yelled and called Hawks and Hakuchō names, and even been really bad and tried hitting them too.
You kicked, bit, punched and tried to headbutt them. You had tried every conceivable method of being as bad as you possibly could be so that Hawks wouldn't want you in his house anymore and give you back.

You even tried ruining Hawks' furniture. You clawed at it, bit it until your teeth hurt and some of your baby teeth began to wobble, you knocked things over, and tried to smash things up. You even tore out the nasal tube, trying to hunger strike properly again, but all of that had just gotten you put back to sleep again by the mean older lady that called herself a 'handler'.
You'd woken up again with the tube back in your nose and all of the room back to normal, with furniture even replaced and the door that was so often locked repainted where you'd clawed at it.

You were determined though, so you continued to act up. You continued to be as horrible as you could be, even when Hawks locked you in 'your' room, but you were still there.
You don't understand it, because mom and her boyfriends had threatened to get rid of you over you just talking sometimes, never mind yelling at the top of your lungs and actually trying to hurt people.
Being locked in a room repeatedly was upsetting you more than you really realised too, because you had a nightmare one of the nights about the time you'd been locked outside of the house while mom had screamed inside for hours. You'd woken up yourself, screaming. Initially it had been for your mom, until you realised that you were inside and that who you really wanted was Dabi.

You screamed and screamed and screamed for Dabi, dad, pawpaw, begging for him to come and love you again, to make you feel safe and comfortable... But all you got was Hawks and Hakuchō working together to put you back to sleep with an injection, Hakuchō telling you that they just wanted to help you get back to sleep, even as you tried to headbutt and kick her.
You didn't want to go to sleep, and you definitely didn't want to keep having the sleepy medicine that made mom die, either.
But they're bigger and stronger than you, even as hard as you continued to fight, so you lost that battle, and slipped back into sleep terrified of whatever it held for you.

The longer you refused to eat, the weaker you became, and the more you fought for no reason, the more exhausted you got.
You ended up reluctantly having to comply whenever you were too exhausted to fight, usually being given pen and pieces of paper whenever you weren't causing a scene.
You'd been drawing a picture of Dabi when a big, red-haired man had come into the house. He had a nasty scar like Hawks' on his face, except instead of going from his neck to his cheek, it went from his hairline to his cheek.
You were fearful instantly. He was big and scary, and looked like someone your mom would date.

And your fear wasn't soothed when he came up to you, and apologised for 'what his son had done to you'. You'd curtly told him you didn't know him, and he'd been surprised, but explained that he was Endeavor, the number one hero in Japan, but his real name was Enji Todoroki, and he was Dabi's dad.
You'd told him what Dabi had told you about his dad, that he was a mean, scary man, and that you hated him and that he should go away otherwise you'd start to scream again.

You don't know why you had thought that telling a man that hurt Dabi and his sister that you would scream if he didn't go away would work, because it didn't and he'd reached for you as he said Dabi's name.
You were done being hurt by bigger men, though, and you were already fighting daily for freedom and to be listened to. You also felt like you owed Dabi some kind of show of loyalty, even if he couldn't see it. So you'd bitten the giant man the second his hand was close enough, pressing down as hard as you could.

He didn't even flinch though, even though there was a flash of surprise in those cold, empty, blue eyes. He hadn't even reacted instinctively to hurt you back like you'd expected, he'd just tried to use his massive arm to try to shake you off, but you refused to let go, wanting to hurt the man like he'd hurt your pawpaw.
You'd only let go when Hawks grabbed you and pulled you off Endeavor, cheerily telling you it was 'naptime'. You weren't dumb, you knew what that meant.
So you began fighting again, swinging your fists and feet at Hawks, yelling at him for being friends with bad people, yelling at Endeavor as you were being pulled away for being a bad dad, and reiterating just how bad Endeavor was as Hawks pushed you into 'your' room.

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