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It was late at night, and I was on my way back to my apartment. It was nearing almost 2 am and I was walking  home form the studio with Changbin. We were working on a new track- trying to get it right. Changbin was talking nonstop about Felix coming over tonight. He had even picked up brownies earlier as a treat for him. They were so sweet on each other. They were our friend group's resident old married couple- at least that's how they acted. I longed for a connection like that. Hell, sometimes I thought I had it already, but it didn't count when It was one sided- I may be head over heels, but Minho only saw me as a friend.

"Do you think he forgot?" Changbin asked- the question pulling me out of my own thoughts.

"What do you mean Hyung?" I asked- obviously missing something else he had said while lost in my own head. My eyebrows knitted together in concern.

"Felix- he hasn't answered my texts for hours." He checked his phone again- hopeful a message would magically appear. 'You think he fell asleep waiting for me? I know it's later than we said we'd be back. And when Chan left earlier, we said he'd remind him but..." he railed off, he usually smiling face full of worry.

"No, I'm sure he hasn't forgotten-it's your anniversary or something, right?" I asked, even though I knew full well it was the anniversary of the first time he kissed Felix on the cheek. He hadn't shut up about it all week.

"You're right Jisung- I'm sure his phone is just dead. He said- smacking me brotherly on the shoulder.

We were just a a few doors away from home and we passed where Felix and his roommates lived. Felix's light was off- which I knew Binnie noticed but didn't say anything about. The other front bedroom light was on and A face appeared in the window as we walked by. My breath caught as Minho stared down at us. He opened his window a crack and yelled at us "Hey- get home you idiots! Don't you know how late it is? People are trying to sleep, and you are so loud!" he shouted down, smiling wickedly at us- trying to get a rise out of Changbin- which he succeeded in.

"You're not sleeping and you're being louder than us, eh? Close your window and go get some sleep- we were working hard all this time." He bickered back and Minho smiled pleased he got a rise out of Changbin- which wasn't hard of course.

I couldn't stop looking at him, a dark smirking figure framed by the lights behind- looking like a God. His eyes met mine and my cheeks flushed, I realized I had been staring, and started to turn away and fidget with my keys for no reason "shitshitshitshit." I mentally chastised myself.

"You see something you like, Sungie?" he asked making a kissy face and wiggling his eyebrows. My eyes widened and my ears were bright red- I was sure of it. Changbin's cackle didn't help, and I was suddenly desperate to get home and out of this situation.

"N-No Minho Hyung- just thinking about lyrics." I explained quickly "Have a good night." I called as I retreated, not waiting for Changbin as I quickly walked the last block home and Binnie caught up without issue after throwing some other teasing insults at Minho.

"You know, I think he likes you too, Sungie." He Said only teasing at the nickname. "We should double date sometime- I'll set it up, yeah?" He mused, but I couldn't tell if he was being serious or not. I just opened and closed my mouth a couple times- no sound coming out. He smiled at me and walked through our front door as soon as I unlocked it. whatever words may have formed were lost forever as a fluffy haired blond figure launched itself at Changbin and into his strong waiting arms. Binnie swung Felix around with one hand, careful not to drop the box of brownies in his other hand. They cooed at each other, mummering their lovey greetings and kissing sweetly. Binnie set Felix back on his feet and presented him with the brownies, which Felix squealed in delight about.

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